Chapter Thirty One

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(Colby's POV)

I was running, as branches and twigs scraped my skin. The moon providing such little light to associate with. The chilly wind slapping across my face and body. I was hungry, dehydrated, and exhausted. I've been running for hours and hours. My legs are sore, my throat is dry, and my stomach is constantly grumbling. I'm not sure where I am exactly, and I'm not sure where I'm going, but I have to try and find someone who could help me in my state.

I reached an old looking village, but it looked so... empty. No crawlers. Yet at least. I took a few more steps, and stumbled forward tripping on my feet. I groaned and looked around. Everything is vague and unclear. I heard footsteps and whispers but I reckon that's just my mind playing tricks. I tried standing up, but fell back down again. I rolled over on my back and as if on cue, it started raining. I opened my mouth taking as much rain in as I possibly can, but it wasn't enough.

I felt dizzy, light-headed, and full on weak. I closed my eyes, wondering if this is how I die.

Darkness engulfed me like a wave splashing over rocks.

(??? POV)

I was roaming around with my family, looking for any sign of danger, when I saw a figure walking towards our village. I got defensive and quickly pulled out my gun aiming it at its head. Suddenly the figure stumbled and fell down. I don't think thats a crawler. I walked over to the figure, and I examined it. It was just laying there in the rain, clearly passed out. It was a boy of the age of 18 I assume. He had ripped clothes and slight scratches across his body and face. He had dark circles under his eyes, messed up hair. He had a few weapons on him which I didn't trust too much, but it looks like he's in big need of help.

"Mom! Dad! Help!" I yelled to them as I watched him. His chest was heaving up and down and I knelt down to see if he as a pulse. He does. They came running over and saw him. "Quick hold him up! We need to help him." They both looked at each other in worrisome and held him by his hands and feet.

We took him into our house, and bordered the doors back up. We ran to one of the bedrooms and laid him on the bed carefully. Mom ran inside to get medical supplies, food, clothes and water. My dad removes his weapons and hid them away just in case.

We ripped of his shirt, and I watched as mom bandaged him, her eyes glossing at the sight. There was a scar of a gunshot on his shoulder, a fading scar on his face. He had dried up blood in his hair and on his body. He seemed like he went through a lot.

After we cleaned him up and bandaged him, we put covers over him and left him to rest. It's been a few hours, and he's still asleep. I went into his room to check on him, and he was shivering. He was wearing a hoodie and a shirt under it with blankets wrapped around his body, but he was still cold. I grabbed a very thick and heavy blanket, adding it on top of him. "Poor dude." I sighed as I went out of his room and went to sleep.

(Colby's POV)

I woke up very hot and hungry. I looked around, and I was in a room wrapped up in multiple blankets. I looked under the covers, and I was wearing a hoodie with a shirt under it with some joggers. That explains all the heat as well as the blankets. I was bandaged and slightly cleaner than before. I wonder who did all this.

I rubbed my face, standing up as I exited the room. I didn't see anybody. I was in a house, slightly old but gives very good shelter. I walked around a little more, until I heard a gun click from behind me. I slowly put up my hands and turned around. It was a boy around my age. He nudged the gun towards the coach indicating to sit. I slowly walked towards the coach and sat down lowering my hands a bit, but keeping them insight. "Who are you?" He asked calm but a bit intimidating. "I-i *cough* water *cough cough*" I croaked out. He looked at me for a bit, but grabbed a water bottle and threw it to me. I caught and he nodded for me to drink. I gulped the whole bottled and slowly placed it down.

"Now I repeat, who are you? And what are you doing here?" "*cough* my name's Colby Brock. (and my ass is fat.. sorry had to do it😂🤷🏻‍♀️) I was lost, and stumbled across this village. I don't mean any harm at all. I was kidnaped by someone I used to know and he let me out before the crawlers could kill us both. They had raided the house we were in and I'm lucky to be alive. As we tried escaping them, he got bitten and plead to end his suffering. After I did, I ran for hours and hours until I unintentionally came across this place, waking up in this house. That's the truth, I promise." I explained in hopefulness. He lowered his gun and stuffed it into his waistband, while looking at me. I lowered my hands and said "Did you save me?"

He nodded his head and said "My parents and myself were patrolling and I found you on the ground under the rain. I yelled to my parents, and we got you back home. Mom was the one who did the bandaging and dad stashed away your weapons, me helping in the process." "Thank you guys. I don't know how I could ever repay you." "You're welcome and it's fine really."

*Mini Time skip*

" Again thank you guys a lot. I really appreciate." "Of course. We're just trying to help." Jay's mom said with a smile . I figured out his name was Jay when he introduced me to his parents. Properly this time. "Are you positive you don't want to come?" I asked. "Thank you sonny but it's best if we stay as a small group and here at home." He said smiling gratefully. It's been two days and I've healed enough thanks to them so now I'm leaving to get back to the rest. I grabbed my stuff, hugged them goodbye and I was off.

It's all about the survival.


Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now