Chapter Two

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(Colby's POV )

I was walking through my once called hometown, when I noticed how beautiful it looked. All the old memories flooded my mind. Me walking my two dogs koki and foxi nearly everyday. Returning home from a busy day and eating dinner with my family while laughing at all the embarrassing and funny things that's happened to us.

I sighed and continued looking for supplies that can be useful and that I can survive on. After all, all I had was a ripped backpack, food that could last me for a few weeks if I'm careful, some clothes, a pocket knife, a lighter, a small gun I've stashed away, and a photograph of me and my family.

As I resumed looking around I noticed something shuffling in my backyard under some old sheets. I swiftly whipped out my sheath and approached the being. I snatched off the sheets and what I saw was shocking. It was a guard dog about a year or so old from what I could guess. He had a thick collar so I could assume it's a guard dog. I was afraid it'd attack but I noticed it was very skinny and weak looking. I took out a piece of meat that I surprisingly had in storage and gave it a small piece. It satisfyingly took it and gulped it down. While it was eating I decided too keep it. I mean no harm done, right?

*Mini time skip*
It's been a few days and Archer (dog's name) had gotten his strength back and had gotten a bit bigger in size than before. And if I forgot to mention Archer, is a German Shepard.

Now I'm currently looking for a place to settle in with Archer by my side since the last place is a bit too broken down.

We kept walking down the road when I noticed something around a corner. I was about to go investigate but got surrounded by four crawlers (zombies). I grabbed my sheath and was ready to charge but got beat to it. Archer had already attacked. I charge and began swiping at the zombies. Three were dead now and from what I could remember, there were four crawlers. Half way before I turned around, I got knocked down by the fourth crawler and my sheath flew to my left but it was to far for my reach. I shuffled backwards on the ground with my hands and feet but jammed the palm of my hand in a big shard of glass. "Fuck" I murmured but I was cut off by the zombie flying to my right with the help of Arthur. I pulled out the shard of glass and killed the last crawler.

I picked up my sheath and put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. I found a small area I can I hide in to wrap or stitch my wound. I decided to try and stitch it. After all I'm not a fucking doctor for goodness sakes.

It hurt as hell but I managed through it. It was enough to stop me from bleeding to death and might help it heal faster.

We were staying in this abandoned shack I found near the forest. Sketchy but safe for now. I made my "bed" and closed my eyes. After a few seconds Arthur snuggled next to my side and laid his head on my stomach. I smirked lightly at the cuteness and dozed off.

I've decided o write this chapter since in my opinion it is hard to judge a book from first chapter especially since I didn't write much.☺️

Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now