Chapter Twenty Nine

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(Brennen's POV)

I woke up in a cell, and my head throbbing. All I remember is us patrolling then getting tranquilized once but that didn't stop me, I pulled it out and quickly got tranquilized again this time fainting. My wrists were bound together, and the cuffs were chained to the ground. I looked around and noticed a cell across mine with a person inside it. Colby. He was passed out and chained as well. Instead of his wrists being chained to the ground, they where chained above his head. I called for him until he finally woke up.

(Colby's POV)

"Colby! Colby. Come on man wake up. Colby!" I snapped my eyes open as I looked around my surroundings. My vision was vague, but clearer by the second.

I was in a cell and my wrists were chained above my head. There was a cell ahead of mine that had Brennen in it. He was also chained, but instead of the wall, to the ground.

"Brennen where are we?!" I asked slightly terrified. "I don't know. All I remember is getting tranquilized when we were patrolling the area." I pulled at my restraints, trying to slip out, but it didn't work.

I hear an iron door creek open and a man in a mask with two others come in. I look at Brennen and he just shrugs. I look back at the men and the main one nods towards the other two. One of the other men enter Brennen's cell and unchain him from the ground. He grabs Brennen but Brennen escaped the man's grasp and elbowed him in the stomach then kicking him in the face. Suddenly two more guys came in and I looked at Brennen terrified. He won't make it out if he fights them. It's multiple vs one. "Brennen run! You won't make it! Run and get help! I'll be fine." I said to him. He nodded looking sad and guilty then ran out. Before they could run after him, the leader said "Forget him. We have this one." He said referring to me but his voice sounds awfully familiar.

(Brennen's POV)

.... "Brennen run! You won't make it! Run and get help! I'll be fine." He said to me. I felt guilty and sad that I'm leaving him, but if I don't we both won't get out of here. "I'll come back for you Colby. I promise." I whispered. I nodded to him and ran out before they could catch me.

(Colby's POV)

The man unlocked my cell door, and entered. I flinched and scooted away from him as much as possible, chains clattering. He knelt down to my level and grabbed his blade, lifting my chin with it and making me look at him. He stared into my eyes, then he ran the blade down my chin to my neck. My head was now fully backed up into the wall as I tried to get away from him.

He took off his mask saying only three words "What's up.. nerd."

... Mason.

Sorry for the short chapter.


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