Chapter Twenty Two

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(Colby's POV)

    I shot up in startle, as I heard a really loud noise. I went outside and saw a huge cloud of smoke coming from somewhere. I grabbed my hoodie, which I had taken off and put it on. After doing that, I followed the smoke. As I went on with my walk, I saw a mix of colors of yellow, and orange appear. Fire. I hurried up and as I turned the corner,  I was met with the building containing the fire. The warehouse. My eyes widened, thinking of the possibilities of deaths, and I ran full speed towards the soon to be broken down building.

I saw everyone rushing outside holding weapons, supplies, and anything that's extremely important. "What's going on?!" "I don't know! I guess one of the machines had a leaking fuse!" Bradlee yelled in terror. A few seconds later, the rest came running out.

"Wait! Kat! No! Katrina! She's still in there! Please let me go! I have to get to her!" Sam screamed with tears rushing down his face, as Elton and Jake where holding him back. "Dude! You can't go in there! It's too late.... I'm sorry." Elton said.

I have to go get her. I don't know what I'll do without her. She's my bestfriend.

I broke into a run towards the entrance, as I heard the guys screaming at me. I ignored them and went in. I looked everywhere and couldn't fine her until I heard sobbing and someone screaming for help. Katrina. I broke down every door she could possibly be behind, until I finally found her. She was trapped from the outside by beams that had fallen. I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me towards the entrance, but the ceiling came crashing down in front of us. I pulled her away and went up to the roof. It was the only way.

"Kat! You have to jump! Jump down and tuck in then role onto the ground to not get hurt. Go, go, go." She ran to the edge of the roof and jumped down, doing as told. It wasn't a really high jump, but any wrong move, and she could break something. Kat was an athlete so I wasn't worried about her doing it wrongly.

As I was about to jump, the roof floor started cracking. It kept cracking (😂) until it was too close for my safety. I was coughing a lot of smoke and started to lean to the side. I was getting dizzy. The fire had spread around the edges and it's like I'm trapped in a ring of fire. I fell to the ground, coughing uncontrollably, as I try to stay conscious. I accidentally inhaled due to instinct, smoke filling my lungs. My vision became dizzy, and it's like the whole world is spinning.

Suddenly I see a figure walking towards me, but before I can establish the being ahead of me, I went unconscious.

  * A not too long time skip.*

I woke up with a headache, and squinted, trying to clear my vision. The room I was in, didn't look too abandoned. My wrists were restrained above my head, and my legs were free. My throat felt dry and I was starving. I shifted, causing the chains to clatter.

As if on cue, came a girl with hip-lengthened black hair, kept in a long braid, and tanned skin. She looked beautiful. She stepped closer to me. Her hazel eyes seemed gold colored as she passed a streak of sunlight. She was wearing a black tank top with a leather jacket as well as a hoodie sweatshirt wrapped around her waist. She had dark jeans with holes in them, along with combat boots and a black bandana covering her full face except her eyes.

As she reached me, with the most beautiful/intimidating voice I've ever heard, she said  "Take a good look at this. Take a good look of how sharp it is." She showed me her dagger as she brought it too close to my face and pointing it at me. I leaned back even more than I possibly can, into the bed while starring into her eyes. "I've used this before and I won't hesitate to use it again. One wrong move and you'll be gone. Permanently." I  just nodded. She grabbed the key to my restraints, and unlocked them, our hands slightly brushing against each other.

She stood back while watching my every move. I sat up, rubbing my wrists, and tried standing up. I succeeded and walked out behind her, leaving a good amount of distance between us.

I started feeling lightheaded, and leaned to the side. "Here." She said giving me bread, water, and painkillers. "Have the painkillers after you eat." I grabbed them from her an sat down.

"Thanks" I said after  I was done. She nodded as though saying 'you're welcome'. I looked around the room and spotted a picture of what I assume is her dad. " Is that your father?" I asked in curiosity. "Umm,Yea I guess so." " He wasn't my genuine father, but he sure  felt like it. I was abandoned by my parents, at quite a young age and I've been surviving on my own ever since until I met him. He took me in and kept me under a roof, until his death." She explained. "I'm sorry." "I don't want your sympathy."She harshly said. I stayed quiet.

"Why did you help me out?" I blurted and she looked shocked. "When I saw you saved a very close friend of mine from the fire, i thought it was the least I could do to repay you." "Thank you."I said.

Srry for the late updates. Busy week☺️. Anyways, hope you enjoyed.


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