Chapter Twenty Six// Part 2

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(Colby's POV)

"Yo Colby. Colby! Wake up!" Brennen yelled. "What?! What?" I said startled. "We're here." "Where's here exactly?" I asked while yawning. "Honestly? I don't know. But the gas has finished so we'll have to walk on foot. Fortunately, there's a city close by." Brennen said frowning slightly. "Ugghhh okay. Let's go." I said as I got out of the stolen car and stretched.

We kept walking and I observed the area. It must have looked beautiful before everything happened. I have this thing were I can visualize how old or broken things have looked like in the past. It's weird, but I guess you could call it a talent.

"Do you think we'll find any survivors?" Brennen asked. "Hopefully." I replied as we kept walking. We reached the city and was packed. Barbwires, broken cars, trash on the ground, army shields, and broken glass were everywhere. I guess they actually tried saving their city. Compared to the big army tank in the middle of the street, all we had were cops and ambulances . Probably even mall cops if you wish.

We stopped dead in our tracks, as we came to face a street full of crawlers. Their attention was facing a loud sound at the end of the street, so we're probably fine if we book it. Wrong. We were already caught a by a few crawlers' attention, then a few more crawlers', and then the full street. Shit. "Run!" I screamed. "Where?! They've covered all corners of the streets. We're cornered!" We were backing away from them until my back hit the army tank. "The under latch!" I thought to myself. "Brennen! Get under the tank! There's a latch at the bottom. Open it and get in! I'll hold them off!" He nodded and did as told, getting in. "Archer! Crawl!" I yelled. Throughout the year, I've been teaching Archer to crawl into small or tight places so he'd finally mastered it. I started shooting the crawlers with Brennen's bow that he threw me to not draw more. Crawlers are drawn to noises and we were already yelling so using firearms will make it worsen. I threw the bow under the tank and crawled under, when one crawler caught my leg but I kicked it off before it could scratch or bite me. I'm fine with being human thank you. I grabbed the bow and climbed in shutting the latch. We both exhaled and slumped down on the tank walls.

"We're trapped." Brennen said, breaking the silence. "No shit Sherlock. Thanks for the info." I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes. "Well. Someone's sassy." I stayed silent.

"Brennen. What are we gonna do?" I asked. It's been a few hours, and we both don't know what to do. "Hello?! Hello?! Khkhh is someonkhkh there?" The radio suddenly began talking. I swiftly stood up, bumping my head in the small tank roof, and grabbed the radio "hello?! Yes we're here! Hello? Can you hear me?" I asked panicking. "Yes we can hear khhh you. You're khh surrounded by crawlers. Khhhh were going to make a huge distraction far from the khhh tank and draw them away. We'll tell you when it's clearkhhh and you book it. Got it? Khhh." "Yes Yes, okay." I said. I looked and Brennen standing up and nodding.

Boom! We heard, as the explosion shook the ground. Boom! Boom! Boom! "Shitt!" Brennen yelled as he yelled on tightly to a metal pole. "Hello? Khh" "Yea we're here!" " open the khhh top latch and khhhhh and meet us at and alley way to your right khhhhhhh.." lost connection it said on the radio monitor. I slammed it down and yelled "fuck!!" "Ok come one guys we gotta go." I said while opening the top latch and jumping on the roof. There was two more crawlers heading our way as the others were distracted, so Brennen swiftly pulled out two bows and shooting them at the same time and ending up in their heads. After that, we ran and turned to the alley.

As I was looking around for the survivors who helped us, I heard thuds and footsteps. Suddenly a pair of hands helped my arms back, making it hard to move, and put a knife to my throat. I stayed still and stopped struggling, obeying. I looked and saw Brennen on his knees, with a gun pointed at him. One of the guys who I assume is a gal, caught a fistful of Brennen's hair, and pulled his head back. Brennen said something I couldn't hear to her. She nodded to the ones holding me, and they took me inside placing me on a table and strapping me down.

Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now