Chapter Twenty Four

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(Colby's POV)


"... It's not too late." I said as I leaned in, our lips touching and moving in sinc.

   *End of Flashback.*

Rose has been constantly ignoring me, and being full on sour for the full day. I've tried talking to her repeatedly but all she'd do is deny and sass.

"Rose? What's wrong?" She stayed silent, as she sharpened her knife "Did I do anything wrong? Rose what did I do?!" She looked at me then looked back down. "I get it. Thank you for letting me stay here. I'm sorry for whatever I've done to make you not want to talk to me. Goodbye." I said as I grabbed my stuff and left.

(Rose's POV)

I feel bad for not talking to him, or telling him why I'm doing this but I can't make him like me. I'll put him in danger, and I don't consider doing that. I just have to ignore him and be a bitch as much as possible and make him hate me. I regret doing this, but it has to be done. I really like him. And not friend wise.

(Colby's POV)

I started walking, thinking of what I did wrong, but that's the thing. I don't know what I did.

I was on a street nearby my road, when I decided to go see my shack. I took the route I always take. The forest.

As I was walking, I felt a presence behind me. I ignored it and kept walking, until I heard a shuffling noise. Seconds later, I heard an arrow being shot. I yelped, when I got wrapped up by string, and seconds later, I shot into the air, hanging upside down. I was swinging in the air, whilst trying to break free, but the string was too sturdy. It wasn't like normal rope, it was very thin, and very sturdy. I'm soo surprised it can even hold me.

I heard footsteps coming my way, and when I turned around I saw.... "Brennen?!" He burst out laughing as he said "Hey guys!! I just caught me a Colby!!" The laughter was joined by Sam, Amanda, Devyn, Corey, Elton, Jake and Amanda. And a few moments after, Katrina appears behind them but she isn't sad. She looks relieved and guilty. I smiled at her and she sent me a weak one back.

"Can someone put me down now?? And what was the mission here? Catch me and cook me up?" I asked jokingly. "Haha veeerrrry funny Colbyy! Don't you make me keep you up there for the night. And I'm sure everyone would agree." Brennen replied halfheartedly as the others nodded. "Okay okay. Whatever."

I landed with an "oof" as they cut me loose. "Thankyou?" "You're welcome." Brennen said proudly. I stood up and quickly ran to Katrina giving her a hug.

"Katrina I-" "Colby they told me everything. I'm soo sorry I didn't believe you. At first it sounded so bizarre but I should've given you a chance to explain or show me proof. I'm soo sorry. I know you hate me and never want to talk to me again, but all I want is your forgiveness." She sobbed as she cut me off. "Katrina. I would never and I mean never hate you. You need a lot to make me hate a person. When you told me to leave, I thought I lost you Katrina. I forgive you and I understand everything. Okay?" I said slightly sniffling at the end. She nodded and gave me another hug. "I just have one more request." She said. I raised an eyebrow as I nodded. "Make one more cheesy joke, and I'll put you up there myself." She growled playfully. "I'm sorryyy." I said as I put my hands up in a defensive way.

"Let's go dork." She said as she ruffled my hair.


Short, but I'm posting another chapter today so...


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