Chapter Thirteen

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(Colby's POV)

I hit the ground. But I don't feel anything other than my breath being knocked out.

Then I felt a wave of pain rush through me. I groaned and tried opening my eyes. I felt weak, but not defeated. Everything was still blurry. I looked around squinting and saw a dark creature standing ahead of me. I got startled and stumbled backwards a bit using my hands and feet. Most of the pain was in my left shoulder, but I tried to ignore it. My vision finally cleared and I observed the creature in front of me... It was Archer. "I guess I'm not dead then" I thought to myself.

Then all the memories came back of what previously happened. The five men. The assumed betrayal. The abandoned store. Sam, Brennen, Jake, and Elton. The gun shot. But what mostly caught my attention was The three men. The two brothers and the "other half".

I touched my shoulder and winced at the pain. It as bleeding. I suppose that's were I got shot (obviously😂🤦🏼‍♀️). Jake was fighting one of the men. Whilst Brennen and Elton were fighting two others. Sam was fighting the leader. Archer had run off and is nowhere in sight. And the last man was headed towards me.

I was cornered, so no chance in running. I was shot, so no chance in fighting. I was weak, but still believed, that this is not how I'll die.

Then everything went black..

Srry if this is short. I'm trying really. Hopefully the next chapter'll be longer.❤️

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