Chapter Twenty Eight

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(Colby's POV)

It's been a few months now, and Archer's burial has been completed. We're all doing better now, and I've gained a few trusts. Alexis and I have been closer and I've gotten to know a few things about her.

Her real name is Alexandra, but she likes to go by Alexis. She has a passion for axe-like blades and brass knuckles. Her father was the captain of a street fight dojo and Alexis was second in command. Her mother used to teach sword fighting, but passed away due to bile duct cancer. It's a type of cancer that occurs in the liver. Alexis and her father were devastated and let all the anger and emotions out on street fighting so that's how Alexis can fight. Her father had made it to the facility and Alexis volunteered on staying with her friends. She said she has enemies here, but she and the rest were hidden too well to be noticed. They were the Corcorans. Alexis's brother, Denum, used to be part of the gang, but was betrayed and killed in the process of a drug dealing, which he was forced to be a part of. Now Alexis seeks revenge.

Tonight's our turn to keep watch, therefore Brennen and I will be patrolling the area while the others get their rest. We've agreed to the terms, that Kyra and Alexis do one night, Jason and Denly do the second, Ethan and Grayson do the third, and Brennen and I do the last then repeat the full process again. It was close to sunset, so I grabbed a few weapons and got ready.

I heard someone behind me and I turned to be met with Kyra. "Hey Kyra." "Hey Colby." "What's up?" She sat next to me on the bed a little too close, ignoring my question and instead saying "You have a little time before you and Brennen head out, and Brennen isn't here so.." she trailed of and I knew what she was implying to. I scooted away from her, but she got even closer to me, as she pushed me down on the bed. My eyes widened as she climbed on top of me and I quickly said "Kyra what are you doing?! No. I'm sorry, you're with Brennen and even if you weren't, I wouldn't do that to him." I tried pushing her off, but before I can succeed, she flipped us over so I was hovering above her. As if on cue, Brennen entered my room. Shit. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled furious, face red and eyes darkened. "Brennen she-" before I could continue my sentence and explain, I was roughly grabbed and pinned to the wall. I groaned and tried wiggling out of his grip but he was too strong. "Brennen! She tried to seduce me, and I tried pushing her off! Before I could, she flipped us over and you came in I swear!" I yelled in fear. He raised up his hand, forming into a fist, and I closed my eyes tight waiting for the impact. Instead, I heard laughing and a thud. I opened my eyes to see Kyra one the ground laughing her ass off and Brennen laughing as well, putting down his fist. What the fuck? I thought. "What the fuck?" I repeated loudly this time. Brennen released me and wiped his tears of laughter.

"Why are you- What?" I asked confused. "It's a prank. I wanted to see what'd you'd do if Kyra tried to cheat on me with you. You seem loyal. Unless it's a cover up." He said as his eyes darkened again and fear shot through me once again. "What? N-no of course n-not Brennen. I would never." "Haha I know. I'm just messing with you. I know you Colby, you would never cheat on me." He said in a low voice as he walked up to me and put his hand on my chest. "Okay now you two are scaring me." Kyra said. Brennen winked at me as a sign of "go with it" and leaned in, I did too and as we were about to kiss, we both quickly pulled away laughing at Kyra and the rest's face who just showed up. We've been acting "gay" for a time now because it's hilarious seeing their faces like "what the fuck" or "oh shit". We're both 100% straight, and I've got strong feelings towards Alexis, and well, Brennen is with Kyra.

It was dark out, and we had to leave. "Goodbye baby, I love you. Get some rest okay?" Kyra nodded and said "Don't get too crazing with Colby over there okay?" "No promises." Brennen replied laughing as well as the others. We said bye to the others and I hugged Alexis saying goodnight.

   *time skip to when they're walking around*

We were patrolling the area in silence, when Brennen broke it. "Hey Colby. I've noticed you and Alexis are getting closer..." he trailed off. "Oh it's nothing serious. We're just good friends I guess." I said, my heart aching at the though of that. "It doesn't seem so. I always look at you watching her with heart eyes. Why don't you just ask her out? She seems like she likes you too." "Oh yea great idea! I can take her out to the most expensive restaurant out here and we can book a hotel together!" I say sarcastically. Brennen glared at me and said "You know what I mean. I'm not one to be too romantic, but take her out on a walk and watch the sunrise together." I considered the idea, but how do I know she actually likes me back or not. "How do you know she likes me too?" "Colby I've known her for years and I know if she likes someone or at least has a crush on them." "Okay. When should I ask her out?" "Mmm make sure it's at a right time." I just nodded and we continued searching.

"Do you think we'll be seeing Sam and the rest anytime soon?" "I'm not sure. But I sure hope so, I miss these guys." I replied. "Tell me about your home life, school life, anything." "Well, I've been beaten up a lot in school, and I only had one friend who turned on me..."
"What's up nerd." Mason said as he pushed me to the ground. I stood back up and dusted my clothes while standing there in fear. I stayed quiet. Wrong move. He punched me in the face and said "Answer me when I talk to you bitch!" "N-nothing. N-nothing's up." "Haha wimp." One of his friend said. "I think we should teach him a lesson he'll never forget. What do you say?" Mason said to his friends as they cheered.

They grabbed me by the arms, as I winced at the pain of my cuts. They took me to the back of the school, and tied me to a pole. They started punching me and kicking me, whilst tears dripping down my face, until the school bell rang. They left me tied up as they ran away to class. A few seconds after, my friend came out and just laughed at me. He came over to me and kicked me in stomach causing me to cough out blood. "N-Noah? W-w-why? I t-thought you w-were my friend-d." I said in pain and in tears. He laughed and said "I was never your friend Colby. I just used you for grades, and the satisfaction of seeing you hurt. How can you ever have friends if you're too much of a pussy to stick up for yourself? Exactly, you can't. Bye bitch." He kicked me one last time and ran off to Mason and the others. I've never felt this heartbroken. I told him all my secrets. I trusted him.

As usual they all leave.

   *End of Flashback*

"I'm sorry." Brennen said. "It's fine. That's in the past now. I have great friends and a great family."

I spotted something on the ground and kneeled down to pick it up. As I was about to ask Brennen about it, I saw him laying limp on the ground. What the hell? I looked around, and as soon as I was about to go check on Brennen, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I started feeling dizzy and numb.

A tranquilizer dart.


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