Chapter Sixteen//Part 1

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(Colby's POV)

We heard what sound like arrows being shot and flying our way.


"TAKE COVER!" Everyone took cover as the arrows landed straight in the ground and some ending up hitting the wolves while the others scurried away. I looked around for the others and noticed one arrow flying towards Amanda. "Amanda!!" I ran and jumped in font of her. I tackled her to the ground and fortunately the arrow missed my leg by inches. It did end up slightly ripping my pant leg but I didn't care.

I stood up and held out my hand to her. She grabbed it and I helped her up. "Thank you so much."she said hugging me. I hugged back "Don't worry about it." I said smiling.

Thankfully everyone was ok and no one was hurt. I did a slow 360 turn but didn't see Brennen or the others.

Suddenly emerged through the trees were Sam, Jake, and Brennen. "Sam?" Kat asked as she emerged from behind me.

"Baby?" Sam said as his eyes grew wider."Baby! Oh my gosh!" He said once again as he ran towards her. He picked her up and did this romantic twirl they do in movies. I chuckled as I watched.  "I thought you were gone. I-I thought you were dead." Katrina sobbed in his shoulder as he started tearing up himself. "Don't worry I'm here baby. I'm here." He said stroking her head, keeping her calm.

After everyone had calmed down and greeted each other, we decided to head back and get some rest. As we were about catch up with the rest, I noticed that Elton still hadn't shown up. "Yo Brennen, where's LT?" I said as we walked slowly and slightly far from the others. "He said to go and he'll catch up. He preferred to look for more supplies while we look for you. Archer's with him as well as in backup." So that explains it.

"Where were you anyways?" "Well.. after the shooting, I was shot, as you can see,"I said showing him my shoulder. "And either I got knocked out or went unconscious, I'm not sure. Anyways, next day I woke up in an abandoned hospital and these guys as well as the host, Gage, explained everything that's happened. That's a story for another time though." I said with a slight smile. "Wait... Did you say Gage? As in your brother?! How did he get out?" "Umm.. well he said that before their bus had made it inside the facility, it got ambushed. They made it out with a few others, but the rest of the civilians didn't. I-including my mom and dad." I said as a tear slipped down my face. Memories of me and my parents coming back. I quickly wiped the tear away and looked up at Brennen. He had a concerned face and said "I'm.. so sorry." "It's fine. It's how life is. It's fate."I said smiling weakly at him. "We should get back to the rest before they think we've been abducted"I said laughing. He chuckled and said "Yea, let's go." I think I've grown on him. I think.

They offered us to stay the night at their base, and we of course accepted. It was a really long way "home" and it was dark anyways. Later on the walk, Elton and Archer finally caught up with us.

"Colby! Oh my god are you alright?! I'm srry we left, we had to hide and you were a bit far away from us but we agreed to charge if they harmed you. I guess we've failed, but I'm soo srry hones-" "Elton! Calm down! I was only shot in the shoulder I'm fine now so don't worry about it. And I'm srry, I assumed you betrayed me and left me to die. Even if I didn't mention that part. I'm so srry too, it's just I've been abandoned before and I- I'm srry." "hey it's fine." He said and gave me a hug. I of course, hugged back.

"Hey Archerrr. Come here Buddy. Come on." I yelled and I was easily tackled to the ground by Archer. I laughed and pushed him off. I stood up and we headed towards the base.

Part 2 coming out later today.🤗❤️


Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now