Thank You

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    I just wanted to say, I thank you all for your support and love towards my story. I started this book as in for "fun" and I liked it more, so I decided to continue it. I was incredibly happy when I realized that people actually liked my book. I never expected it to get this many reads nor this many interests. I appreciate it all. Again thank you all for 600+ reads.

If you don't know, I'm working on a new story called "The Bully". I've already posted the first chapter so go check it out.

   A/N: I did not end "Survival" to start a new book. I felt like every book comes to an end (obviously) and mine had to come a bit sooner. I lost ideas related to this book, but it was an amazing experience to write. Again if you don't know this is my first time writing anything and I'm soo proud about it. (Not bragging. I promise.)

Anyways thankyou again, and go check out my new book.

(Credits also to: leokiller18 )


Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now