Chapter Nineteen

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(Colby's POV)

I've been hanging around with everyone more lately and even when I decline they somehow always convince me to stay. Throughout the times we hang out, I notice something off about Gage. He'd miss the days we train, he ignores his gang a lot more, and snaps at everyone for no known reason. But what mostly got me hooked, was him leaving late at night. Every night, around the time we're sleeping, I stay up and noticed he always leaves around the same. exact. time.

I'm getting very suspicious and worried about it. I don't really know why I'm worried, but I just have a gut feeling that there is something wrong. And sooner or later, I'm going to figure it out.

It was really late at night and I was getting very sleepy so I closed my eyes and got swollen by darkness..

(Brennen's POV)

Colby's a deep sleeper. So waking him up won't be too easy. So basically we can do anything we want to him. So Sam and I decided to shake things up a bit. Colby was currently sleeping in one of the rooms on a sleeping bag. Therefore the plan can commence.

Sam and I already planned everything out. I know, creepy. As we entered the room, I noticed Archer was watching our every move. I slowly walked up to Colby and laid down next to him, putting my arm around his waist. Sam followed after and did the same but instead of putting his arm around his waist, he put it on Colby's bare chest. I looked at Sam and noticed he was about to burst out laughing but held it in. We started with low moans one after another and we made our way up to higher moans.
After a few moments, Colby stirred a bit. Sam started rubbing Colby's chest softly and in a girly voice said "Babyy mmm.. wake up Colbearr." Colby groaned as he slowly opened his eyes to be face to face with Sam and his hand on his chest. "What the fuck!!" He shrieked and stumbled backwards bumping into me. I smiled at him and he shrieked once again causing the rest to come and check out the problem. But Gage wasn't there. He seems off lately but he's probably just sleeping. He pushed off the covers and quickly stood up trying to catch his breath and get away from us, while us laughing hysterically on the ground.

"What happen-" Corey said but quickly cut him self by laughing when he saw us shirtless on Colby's "bed". "What- why? Like just. Why?" Colby said exhausted and slightly confused. "We had to wake you up somehow!!" Sam said laughing. "By moaning and touching me whilst shirtless?! Like.. No!" He yelled. "So thats's what happened." Bradlee said while trying not to laugh. "We should do this more often Sam." "Yea we should." "Wha- What?! No! Hell no! You WILL NOT be doing this more often!" Colby said frustrated but ended up laughing as well. "What a morning." Devyn said while Kat agreeing with her.

(Colby's POV)

   *Time Skip*

We've been training all day and I'm a bit soar, but I can manage. It was close to sunset and I was once again up on the roof watching it. I watched as the sun was soon replaced with moon, the darkness overpowering the light, the bright light radiating from the sun, getting replaced by the slight light of the moon. It was honestly really beautiful.

I turned as I heard footsteps behind me. I watch as the figure approaches me and sits next to me.

"Hey Kat?" "Yea?" "I have this gut feeling that Gage is hiding something. Something big. He's been missing training, being a douche and has been sneaking out late at night around a specific time. Haven't you noticed anything?" She shook her head and said "Colby you're overreacting. He's probably just stressed out, exhausted, and needs space." I just slowly nodded, but I know it's not the case. I guess we'll find out tonight. "Go get some rest. You seem really tired." "I will. Goodnight Colbs." She said giving me a hug. "Night Kat." And with that, she was off.

It's been a few hours, the sun had finally set, everyone's asleep but me, and Gage will soon be heading out. I grabbed a pocketknife and placed it in my shoe and I grabbed a sharp knife placing it in my waste band. I was still currently on the roof and I decided on getting down from here.

As I saw Gage leaving, I quietly climbed down the beams until I did a hold and drop. I quietly followed him, until we reached a spot I've never realized before existed. There was a group of three people there, wearing all black with masks covering their mouths and nose.

They started talking, but I couldn't hear them well enough but I spotted a big rock closer to them, so I decided to hide behind it. I crawled over there and sat with my back agains the wall. They looked familiar. "....Do you agree to our terms?" "Yes I fully agree to your terms. What do I have to do?" "In order to gain our trust and join the Hell Hounds, you have to kill Cole Robert Brock." WTF?! Why would he join the Hell Hounds?! Nevertheless why would he kill his own brother to join?! He wouldn't. Right? "Are you up for it?"

"I am. I'll do it." I stood there stunned but decided to leave before o get caught.I have to warn the others even if they might not believe me. Yea, we hated each other's guts, but I never knew he hated me to the point of death. I quickly but silently headed back to the base without being spotted.

I burst through the doors of the main room and woke everyone up. ""Why the fuck are we awake this late at night Colby?" Corey said. "I have to say something. And it's really important." And with that everyone sat down and I explained. After that it was full on chaos.

"Colby.. you've taken it too far man! What's wrong with you?!" Elton said and with that he left the room. "Colby come on. Think about it! Why would he join the fucking HELL HOUNDS?! Nevertheless kill his own brother!!" Aaron yelled. He's pissed off and he
rarely curses.

"Why would I lie about something like this?!" I said frustrated and angered.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe to turn on us?! I should have ended you when I had the chance to! Huh, I can't believe I even trusted you. Pathetic." With that, Sam left the room as well. I watched as he left with Brennen right behind him. "Brennen.." I whispered. "I'm sorry dude but that's fucked up." He said.

Now it was only Corey, Devyn and Kat. Corey was pissed off, Devyn was on the verge of crying, and Kat was just standing there looking for anything in my eyes.
"Colby. We can't keep being friends if you're constantly lying! I can't! I'm sorry." Kat said as she ran out of the room balling her eyes out.

I just stared in disbelief until Corey said "Get out." "What?" "I said get the fuck OUT! GET OUT! Come back when you're not a fucking liar!" Devyn had guilt written clearly on her but she didn't even say anything so it's clear she agrees with the rest. I left the room progressing what had just happened. I was hurt. A lot. But what mostly hurt the most, was that my only bestfriend didn't believe me.

I lost everyone and I lost my family. Because of the truth.

Srry for the bad words. Next chapters are going to be exciting.😆

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