Chapter Twenty Five

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(Colby's POV)

  I was scrolling through my family's old videotapes, when I noticed a certain one.
    *Flashback to 8 years old*

It's my birthday, and I'm turning 9 today.

"Hey mommy! Can we have cake now?!" "No Cole we didn't even eat lunch yet." Mom said laughing, and I pouted. "After we're done eating lunch, we'll take the whole cake to ourselves and eat it in the garage so mom won't know. What do you say?" Dad whispered as he knelt down to my height. I quickly nodded and I smile at him. "So mom won't know what?" Mom said raising an eyebrow. "Nothing!" Both dad and I said at the same time and broke out laughing.

"Hey little bro. Wanna play outside until lunch's ready?" Asked Gage as he descended the stairs. "Sure! Let's go!" I said as I dragged Gage into the garage, grabbing a ball and heading outside to our front yard.

We played for a few hours, before mom called us in to eat. "Food!!" I yelled as I ran inside while Gage laughing behind me. We sat down and ate. Later I got and idea. I grabbed a piece of my pizza and through it at dad, hitting him the face. "Who did that?" He said "pissed off". He looked at me and I quickly pointed at Gage. "What?! That was not me! That was Cole!" He said. "Well then.." dad said as he took some mashed potato in his hand and throwing it, hitting me in the face as well and splattering all over my clothes. "Robert!" Mom gasped. "What?! He started it!" He said in a childish tone. A few seconds later, a huge blob of pasta was stuck in mom's hair, that Gage had thrown. "Ohhh it's onnnnn mister!" Mom said grabbing cupcakes and chased us around the house. Until Gage was cornered. "Little bro! Help!" "I'm coming!" I said as I grabbed a chunk of cake and threw it at mom hitting her in the face. "Gage! Run!" I said laughing. Suddenly I get picked up from behind and thrown over dad's shoulder. "Dad! Put me down!" "Not until you finish your lunch." He said. "But its all over the floor!" I said laughing again. "Oh. It is isn't it." He replied putting me on the couch and tickling me. "Surrender little boy!" "N-n-never!" I said trying to catch my breath from laughing. "Okay then. I'll just tickle you more." "Nooo! I'll pee!" "Retreat! All troupes retreat! Pahhh path pahhh." He said while making alarming noises. Suddenly we hear our doorbell ring. Gage goes and opens it with me behind him. "Oh hell- are you guys okay? Where are your parents?" A sweet lady said. "We're right here." They said in sinc, as they realized the situation they were in. "Well you sure do look like you're having a happy birthday." She said laughing as she gave me my present. "Thank youu!" "You're welcome little one." I smiled at her and we went inside after she left. We all slumped on the couch exhausted, when Gage said "Who's gonna clean the house now?" "Ohohohooo you guys are." Mom said. "Yup now get to work boys." Dad said as he stood up. "You included Robert!" Mom replied with as she went up the stairs. We spent the rest of the night cleaning the house, as mom had her peaceful sleep.

   *End of Flashback*

I smiled and wiped my tears that I didn't realize I let out, and packed everything up.

"Love you Mom and Dad... Love you b-big bro. May you all Rest In Peace." I said to myself, as I sobbed and curled into a ball, crying myself to sleep.


Again sorry for the short chapters.😅


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