Chapter Thirty Two

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(Colby's POV)

   I was able to find the way back, with help of the sunlight of the blazing sun. I've been walking for a while and came across a lot of crawlers. I was able to doge some and kill some, but they were too many for me to take care on my own. The amount of crawlers are increasing by each day and I'm not sure how firearms, bows and arrows, and blades and knives are going to help against hundreds and hundreds of crawlers.

  *Mini Time skip to when he reaches the base*

As I entered the doors of our shelter, everyone came rushing in asking questions and if I'm okay and where'd I go. A few moments after they were cut off by Alexis screaming "OKAY EVERYONE!! SHUT! THE FUCK! UP!" Now everyone didn't dare to speak a words. Me included. I heard running footsteps, as a group of eight descended the stairs. Sam, Elton, Corey, Brennen, Jake, Katrina, Amanda, and Devyn.

"What's goin- COLBY!!" Sam yelled as he ran and engulfed me in a hug, the rest joining in too. After the greeting and everything was done, I said "As to now answer all your questions. Yes, I'm ok. Two, I was found by a boy named Jay and his parents. They healed me, fed me and basically treated me as their son. I offered them to stay here with us, but the father declined saying it's safer if they stick as a small group. That's all that happened... Why'd you come back here?" I asked Sam. "Well.. we've decided to go to the  facility. Crawlers have been raiding our city and as well as here. The facility Is all we have. It's either do or die."


Sorry for the short chapter, but after a few more chapters, this story will officially end. It sad to say and do but everything comes to an end.


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