Chapter Twenty One

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(Colby's POV)

    *Mini Time skip*

  It's been a few weeks, and I'm recovering well. Jake and Brennen have been staying with me and cheering up the mood. They're honestly very good friends and I'm happy they believed me in the end. I expected them to ditch me and stay with the others, but instead, they stuck with me through it all.

Through out the weeks, we've upgraded our weapons, clothing, and helped the others with supplies as well. I am wearing orange-ish colored army pants, combat boots, finger-ripped gloves, a black shirt under a black hoodie, a black beanie with my same rings, and a cross-necklace.

Brennen is wearing similar clothing, just ripped jeans instead of pants, and no beanie. Jake is wearing a purple hoodie, a black beanie covering most of his purple hair, and black ripped jeans with small chains hanging from it.

We've been staying in a very old building that does not look steady. The shack was too small and most of the other place are either raided with crawlers, or not protection-giving.

   *Mini Time skip*

"Hey Brennen?" I asked nervously. "Yea Colby?" "Umm did-did you kill Gage? I mean y-you're the only one who had a bow an-" he cut me off. "Wait are you accusing me??" he said almost yelling, standing up. "I- Wait What?! Of course I'm not. I'm just- you're the one who had a bow, so I assumed it-" he cut me off again. "Colby, no I didn't kill Gage okay? I was fighting two of his goons. I swear" I immediately felt guilty. "Brennen. I'm so sorry for accusing you. I just thought it was you since you had a bow but that's no proof. It could have been anyone. So I'm sorry. Forgive me?" "Colby I understand where your coming from. No I didn't kill Gage, I promise. And I'm sorry for almost yelling. I shouldn't have. And yea I forgive you. It happens." He grabbed me and gave me a hug.

"Awwww. I wanna huuuggg!" Jake said pouting. We all laughed and had a group hug.

After a moment, Jake said "Colby?" "Yea?" I replied with and looked at Jake while cleaning Gage's once swords and now mine. "Don't you think it's time?" He said nervously "We don't have to if you don't-" he continued as I cut him off. "No i want to. Let's go." I replied with.

I grabbed my swords, putting them on my back and Brennen and Jake grabbed their weapons. With that we were off, Archer trailing behind.

As we reached the warehouse, I took a deep breath, and sighed. Brennen and Jake looked at me concerned, but I just smiled and head inside. "Helloooo??" Brennen yelled. "Honey! We're home!!!" Jake said laughing. We heard running footsteps and in came the herd. "Colby!"they all gasped. The first person who ran to me was Devyn. She jumped and gave me a bear hug. "You don't know how lonely it is without you guys here. I was soo worried! I thought you where dead Colby! Dead!" She said as she sniffled. "Hey, hey, hey Devyn it's ok we're hear. I'm here." "I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I shouldn't have without proof of lying. I hope you forgive me." I smiled and said "Always" I gave one last hug before she went and did something. I looked at the others and they all had guilt written on their faces.

"Colby?" I heard. "Guys I know your all guilty and sorry, but it's fine I forgive you. It's in the past now. Group hug?" As soon as those words left my mouth, I was engulfed by all groups of arms, except one pair. Kat's.

Kat was not here. I felt saddened and I guess they all noticed because Amanda said " She'll be back Colby." I sighed and nodded. "Guy go finish what you were doing. I'll wait for Kat here" the all said ok, and were out.

It's been hours, and Kat is still not here. I felt worried and nervous. I hope she shows up. I miss my bestfriend. I closed  my eyes deciding to rest for a while until she shows. In an instant, I get  swallowed by darkness.

I was awoken by the loud sounds of a door being slammed. I looked over and saw Kat. I quickly stood and ran to her giving her a hug. She didn't hug back. I pulled away confused and hurt. "Kat? What's wr-"
"No. I don't wanna here it. I'm sick of your lies!. I hate you! Get out. Get! OUT!" she screamed at me. Tears threatened to fall but I held them in. I hung my head low, as i walked out the warehouse. She doesn't believe me.

Srry for the short chapter😅. Came home late and had to post a chapter. So here it is.☺️


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