Chapter Thirty

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(Colby's POV )


... The man unlocked my cell door, and entered. I flinched and scooted away from him as much as possible, chains clattering. He knelt down to my level and grabbed his blade, lifting my chin with it and making me look at him. He stared into my eyes, then ran the blade down my chin to my neck. My head was now fully backed up into the wall as I tried to get away from him.

He took off his mask saying only three words "What's up.. nerd."

... Mason.

"What's up.. nerd." He said as he smirked at me. I stared at him in shock and horror. "Haven't you made my life enough of a living hell before all this? Yet, you still have to torture me and make my life worse than it already is. What'd I do to make you hate me that much?" I asked in tears and still in horror.

He stayed silent and still. No punches, no yells, no hateful words, and no physical abuse. I looked at him confused and he said "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" He said a bit harsh. "Y-you didn't hurt me yet." I said in shock and quickly realized what I said. Fuck. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the impact of his fist or foot. But I felt nothing. "I'm not gonna hurt you." I opened my eyes and stared into his eyes looking for a sign of guilt or truth. "Are you that used to it? Knowing I might hurt you anytime?" He asked slightly sad. "It's been happening for three years. I guess I just had to get used to it and take it." I replied sad as well. Before he can say anything, I said "Why'd you bring me here if you aren't gonna hurt me?" "I wanted to.. talk I guess." He replied not fully sure of his reply. I nodded and tried getting into a more comfortable position. Didn't help much. "I don't.. hate you." He said. "W-what?" I don't hate you." He repeated. "Then why'd you you keep bullying and humiliating me?"

He sighed and said "I know this isn't an excuse or even close to one, but I had a bad life if you couldn't notice. I've had anger issues and slight depression. My parents were divorced and my mother left me with my father. He blamed everything on me and abused me daily. I know it's hard to believe but it's all true. I took out all my anger, pain and dread on you. Later on, I've gotten some help and was a bit better. My anger issues were under control, and my father was sent to prison for life. I wanted to talk to you one day and try to apologize about everything really, but I got stopped by my friends. They said they'll hurt me even more than I did to you. I was scared and selfish so I listened. I know I seem like the devil himself, but I do have a heart. Even if it doesn't show. I know forgiveness would never happen after what I've done to you, but all I request is your acceptance to my apology. I'm really truly sorry Colby." He said filled with guilt and plead as he was now seated on the ground ahead of me. I said something I've ever thought I'd say in like forever, that shocked both me and Mason "I-i forgive you. I've went through depression myself but was never treated as bad as you were. I let the little things get me down even if it wasn't so little. I'm sorry Mason and I accept your apology. Everyone goes through things like this. I guess it's what makes a person human." He nodded in tears and gave me a hug. I was still chained so trying to hug him back was no use.

As soon as he pulled away, we heard multiple glasses being broken. We heard growls and moans of... crawlers. We stared at each other in terror, as he ran out of the cell and started killing them, until there was one crawler approaching me. "Mason! Help!!" I yelled as I kicked the crawler. His head snapped towards me and shot the crawler. He looked around and back at me then ran away somewhere.

He came running back with the key of my chains, and tried unlocking them. It wasn't budging. "Shit!!" He yelled. He looked into my eyes and said "Do you trust me?" I was hesitant at first but nodded. He stood up and backed away from me. He grabbed the gun and my eyes widened. He cocked the gun, and shot my chains. I took the cuffs off and stood up as he threw me a shot gun and I shot the closest crawler. We ran to the door and opened it getting outside. I was the first to exit and he was second. But before he could fully get out, two crawlers grabbed him and bit him. "AHHH!!!" He yelled in deep pain. I shot the crawlers' arms and pulled him out of the room. He stumbled and almost fell but I caught him in time and laid him across the wall. He was pale, eyes bloodshot and his veins were green and popping out. "C-colb-y take t-this." He struggled and groaned, giving me his gun. "I-its a-an easier s-hot-t." My eyes glossed as tears were starting to stream down my face. "K-kill me p-please. P-put me o-out of my m-misery. I-i deserve t-his." He sobbed. "Mason.. n-no one ever deserves death even the worst of people-" I said in tears but he cut me of "P-ple-ase." He whispered. I nodded and grabbed the gun, pointing it at his head. "I-im s-s-sor-ry." He said and with that, he closed his eyes and I shot. I knew I had to do it sooner or later. If I didn't, he'd have to suffer and would turn. Before I left, I saw something shiny around his neck. I pulled it out, and it was a dog tag necklace with his name carved into it, and another name "Jax." I remember him saying he has a brother named Jaxon and Jax for short. I took out the tag that said Jax on it and placed it in his hand while rapping his fingers around it. I put the necklace around my neck, and ran off.

 I put the necklace around my neck, and ran off

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Rest In Peace Mason.

Everyone has a heart. Even if it doesn't seem like it.


Updated as promised☺️


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