Chapter Seventeen

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(Colby's POV)

*Next Morning*
I was awoken by soft hands shaking me. I looked up and saw Devyn. "Hey." I said with a groggy voice. "Hello"she said with a smile. "Why'd you sleep up here? There was plenty of room downstairs." "I don't know to be honest. I realized it was close to sunrise and decided to watch it. But before it was fully day I wanted to get some rest to be energized, so I just slept here I guess." She nodded understandably.

"Well, lets go eat. I'm starving."she said "haha yea let's go."

As we reached the main room where everyone was currently seated at, I saw Gage walking towards me. He looked me in the eyes, with no emotion and shoved me moving me out of the way, walking out of the room. "Someone's grumpy"I mumbled. I heard snickers in the background and laughs trying to be held in. Didn't work.

"I'm going back to my old shack, and I'll be back soon. Anyone's free to join."I said as I finished eating. Jake and Kat decided to tag along while Archer stays here with the rest.

We finished and head out. "Colby?"Kat asked."Mm?" "Are you going to stay in the old shack?" "Umm.. I don't think so. No. It might be easier for people to find me, so I might have to find somewhere that gives at least good shelter." "Oh okay. But why don't you stay with us?" "I don't think that's a good idea. It's enough that my own brother hates my gut. And I just don't wanna deal with his bullshit right now." "Yea what's up with that? I've heard "rumors", but I still don't know what happened." "I'll tell if him if you like Colby. You seem a bit stressed." Kat said sweetly. "Yea sure. Go ahead." "Well in the past, before the rise of the dead, we've messed with some wrong people. We were able to get out of the country before they could find us and returned here. When we got on the bus, as you probably know, Colby was kidnaped by the Hell Hounds aka the "bad people". Before we reached the facility, our bus had been ambushed. And a lot  of people have passed. We tried convincing Gage on finding Colby but I didn't knowthey were brothers. He said it was too dangerous and we had to stay low. I was honestly disgusted by his choice but I couldn't do anything about it. After we found and explained everything to Colby, he and Gage got in a heated argument, which lead to a fight. So now they hate each other's guts"she chuckled a bit and said. "So that's basically all that's happened. I'm sorry for your loss Colby." She said as we were walking. Jake seemed to understand what she said cause he didn't question. "It's fine. I'll get over it eventually. But I'll never forget them." I said and pulled her into a hug.

As we were roaming this so called beautiful town, we were faced with a herd of crawlers. We whipped out our weapons and charged. We got separated a bit but still close by. I was able to headshot some of them but they snatched the gun out of my hand and it flew away from me. I looked around to see if anyone needed help, when Kat yelled "Colby get down!" I did as told and crouched. Two daggers came flying over me and stabbed a crawler behind me. It's lifeless body fell on the floor with a thud and I stood back up. "Thanks."

"That was a good workout." Jake said jokingly. We playfully glared at him and continued walking until we reached the shack.

"This was the shack you were in before you met us?" Jake asked. "Yea it is." "For how long have you been staying here?" Kat asked. "For a few weeks actually. I was looking for a place to survive in for the time being when I got attacked by crawlers. I injured my hand with a big shard of glass and it cut open. So I stubbled across this shack and stayed here with Archer." I said showing her the stitches. She nodded, and we began searching for my belongings. Or whatever's left of it.

After a while of looking around, I felt like we were being watched and I guess the others felt it too because Jake said "Yo, I  feel a bit sketchy." "Same." "We should go out and split up. But not too far away." " Sound good?" They nodded and we split ways.

I walked in one of the houses, and looked around, while holding my gun. I climbed the staircase and looked around. No one. I walked in one of the rooms and once again, no one.

Suddenly something cold was pressed against my lower back. A gun. I froze and he said "Drop it." I slowly placed the gun on the ground and put up my hands. "Kick it a way." I kicked the gun away from me and he nudged my back.  I assume it's to walk. "Down the stairs." My assumption was right. Point for Colby!

I slowly walked down the stairs and waited to be told what to do next. I found a small rock on the ground and I kicked it anonymously behind us causing it to make an audible enough noise. He turned around to investigate, when I swiftly turned around and grabbed the shotgun from his hands, socking him in the face with it. He groaned and grabbed his bloody nose whilst falling to the ground. I pointed the gun at him and smirked saying "Sweet dreams." I knocked him out and tied him to the pole of the stairs.

I grabbed my gun replacing it with his, and decided to head back to the others incase in need of backup.

Not too long and not too short. Just right.☺️


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