Chapter Twenty Seven

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(Brennen's POV)

      I'm full on raging right now. The crew have been doubting Colby a lot and don't think he's trust worthy. They think he's just using us for survival and food. I think otherwise obviously. I've known Colby for more than a year and he's 100% trustworthy. I'm not one to easily trust somebody, I've learned that in the past. I trusted someone and it just lead me to a life of hell, since then I've doubted my trust for a few people multiple times. One of them is not Colby.

"Hey Brennen?" Colby asked in a slightly cheerful tone, as he entered the room a few minutes later. "What?" I said in an unintentional harsh voice. I was still pissed off that my girlfriend as well doesn't think he's trustworthy. I know its not smart to easily trust someone but she should know that any friend of mine is trustworthy. "Nevermind." He mumbled in a sad tone as he left the room. I sighed and put my head in my hands, thinking everything through.

(Colby's POV)

"Hey Brennen?" I asked as I entered the room he was in."What?" He snapped at me. I started at him shocked until I mumbled "Nevermind" losing my cheerful mood. I left the room slightly sad that he snapped at me but he's probably stressed. So I'll give him space.

I decided to try and regain my archery skills since that might be what I mostly use now. This place has waaay more crawlers than my hometown, and using firearms will just draw more. I guess they didn't have time to get away from here or flee this place in time.

I hung a few targets up, and got into aiming position. I drew my bow back and held it still. I waited a few seconds until I found the perfect spot and released the bow. It shot all three targets at once. Before I could reload, I heard an arrow being shot towards me. Not Brennen's. I swiftly turned around and snatched the arrow from the air, when i heard clapping. I looked towards the noise and said "Hey, Alexis." "Hey. Cole." She said through gritted teeth. "How'd you know my birth name?" I asked confused, but not concerned. "I have my ways." "What are you doing here?" She said in a slightly harsh voice. As if on cue, came Ethan and Denly from behind her. "What are you doing here in our city? What's your mission, task, goal?" She said as they all came closer to me. I backed away, every step they took towards me. "I have no specific reason to be in your country. Brennen and I were leaving our old camping place and ran out of fuel so we walked the rest of the way until we got trapped and ambushed by you guys. That's all." I said as I tried pushing past them, but they nudged me backwards and walked towards me. "Look guys, I don't want any trouble okay? So just let me leave, and I'll stay away from you if I have to." "And how should we trust you?" "Well, you don't have to if you don't want to. I just want to leave for fuck's sake. So move." I said, but they stayed stone-still. I sighed and jumped up the tree, scurrying away before they could catch me.

I kept roaming the sidewalks of this now abandoned city, when I felt an unwanted presence. At the moment at least. "Hey." He said so plainly. "Hello." I said in still an unintentional sad tone. "So... what's goin on?" He asked, trying to make conversation but I wasn't in the mood at the moment."Brennen what's wrong? Just get to the point please cause I'm in a sick mood." "Well... I wanted to apologize about today's morning. I was pissed off by my "friends" and I let it out on you. I didn't intent to, but I just snapped so I'm sorry. They said that you're using me and aren't trustworthy enough. WHICH I obviously don't think is true. So I got mad." "Yea, they made that clear enough." I mumbled to myself, but Brennen heard. "Wait. What? Colby what did they do?" I stayed silent. "Colby! What'd they do? Come on man." I sighed knowing he won't give up and said "Well, when you snapped at me, I thought you were stressed so I decided to give you some space by practicing archery. Throughout that, Alexis confronted me, asking what I'm doing here in their country and shit. I told her the truth, and a few moments after, came Ethan and Denly behind her, walking towards me. I backed away and said I didn't want any trouble and I'll stay away from them if I had to. They didn't convince. They said they didn't trust me and I said they don't have to if they don't want to. I tried moving passed them but they pushed me back. I knew they won't let me go without a fight or at least a heated argument. So I jumped the closest tree near me and got away from them before they could catch up." I explained. "They'll warm up to you. And if they don't, they're missing out on an amazing friendship." "Haha thanks dude." I said giving him a hug.

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