Chapter Twenty

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(Brennen's POV)

After yesterday's events, I've been thinking a lot. It's all I could really do. Think. Why would Colby randomly be up late at night and make up such a lie? That doesn't make sense. Colby's right though, Gage does seem off. A lot. I want to believe Colby. I really do, but the only way I could believe him, is if I have proof. So tonight I'll follow Gage and investigate.

After I heard Corey yell at Colby to leave, I felt an instant wave of sadness over rush me. The whole place seemed quiet, and full on boring. Colby was like the light of our situation. He can make you smile in the worst of times. He can make battling crawlers just overall fun? I felt bad for not believing Colby. But that was my fault. We have grown closer throughout the days, and the way he looked at me when I didn't believe him, just makes me feel worse about myself. He looked hurt, sad, betrayed. I kept thinking of what he said. But what if he's lying? Or what if he's not? I'm soo confused! "Ughhhh!!" I yelled frustrated

I decided to go talk to Jake. I feel like he's the only one who understands me. Other than Colby of course.

"Hey Jake?" "Yea?"he replied. "Be honest with me. Do you think Colby's lying? Why would he just make up such a lie late in the night? It doesn't make sense to me." "Actually, I've been thinking the same. Gage has been off lately. And it's unreasonable to make such a lie." "This is going to be risky but I'm following Gage tonight." "What?! Are you mad?! He'd kill you if he knew you where following him!!" "That's why he won't know we are following him." "Wait what do you mean by "we" is Corey going with you as well?!" Jake said. He knows what happened between Corey and Colby, so he knows he's the one going with me. I stared at him raising an eyebrow, when he said "Its me isn't it." He asked. More like stated. "Yup." I said popping the "p". "I want to believe Colby and in order for that to happen, I need proof. Tonight after all of the rest are sleeping, we'll follow and that's final." "Huuuuuhh" he sighed and nodded. "See you tonight." I yelled as I exited the warehouse.

*Mini Time skip to past Midnight*

We have worn full black and taken a few light weapons incase we need to book it. I took a simple bow and a few arrows whilst Jake took a hand gun and some throwing knives. We waited for Gage until we saw him heading out. We sneaked out and quietly followed him but kept some distance between us.

We reached a spot somewhere in the forest, and saw four people with Gage all in black as well. But with masks covering there noses and mouthes. One of them was wearing black and a white/black mask with what looked like a spear. I assume he's the leader.

"When should he be killed?" Said one of the men. "Tonight. He should be dead before sunrise which is soon. So you've got go. Do you know where he's camping at?" Said the leader, I presume. "Yes. I've heard he's camping out at an old shack near a forest." "Doesn't he have a dog with him? A German Shepard?" Another one of the men said worried. "Yes! He does! So kill the damn thing as well!" The leader said frustrated.

Old shack? Guard dog? Colby!! "Jake they're talking about Colby!" I whisper yelled. "What? How?" "Guard dog? Aka Archer. Old shack? Aka where Colby once camped. He's probably there right now!" I whisper yelled once again. "Well lets go then!"

We booked it before they saw or caught us and head to the shack before they beat us to hit. "Oh my god. Oh my god! If I didn't follow Gage here, Colby would be dead because of me!!" "And he's gonna be dead if we don't hurry up! So shut the fuck up and hurry!!"

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