Chapter Thirty Four

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(Colby's POV)

Alexis and I were currently walking, as I was taking her to the most beautiful place I've ever seen. I always used to visit here in the summer and it's really alluring. She thought we're just going hiking but I'm going to ask her to be mine soon. We've known each other for a good amount of time and the moment I saw her I knew I loved her.

There was a hidden platform behind a waterfall, and on the platform I set up a picnic. Kinda cheesy but in the situation we are in I don't think we'll be going to any fancy places. I set up some candles I was lucky to find, most of the food we have, and a beautiful-colored sheet to set up the things on. It was spring at the moment so flowers have already started blooming and just being beautiful . This place was hidden really well so crawlers wouldn't come here. It was nighttime but the light of the moon and candles make the flowers glow. Fireflies filled the sky and light sounds of crickets in the background.

We reached and as soon as she saw what I'd done she gasped covering her mouth with her hands and teared up. Oh shit. She doesn't like it. "Y-you don't like it?" I asked a bit sad and scared of the rejection. "Colby... I love it! Thank you!" She said as she started crying. "Why are you crying then?" I asked softly and a bit confused. "Cause this is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. Thank you soo much Colby." She said smiling brightly and giving me a hug. I hugged back and when we pulled away I wiped her tears with the pad of my thumbs while moving some hair out of her face. "Thank you." She said chuckling.

*Mini Time Skip*

"I'm glad you like it. This is the first time I've ever asked someone out, without a rejection or betrayal." I said full heartedly. "I'm sorry. Wait.. is this a date?" She asked. "U-uh.. y-yea.. n-no?.. if y-you want it to b-be." I stuttered and blushed slightly, while looking at the ground. "Aww, Colby you're blushing! Of course I want it to be a date!" She said cheerfully smiling at me. I blushed even harder and smiled back.

"I might seem like all tough and mean but I love romantic things and all this is soo romantic so thankyou again. I'm only harsh when I have to be and lovable when I want to." Alexis said as she laid her head on my chest. We were now on the other side of the waterfall, watching the stars when we saw fireflies form a shape above us... a heart.

"That's beautiful... It so weird how even when the world seems to an end, literally, there's always something good hidden away. You just have to find it or form it."She said in full heartedly. "Alexis I need to ask you something." I said as I gently moved her head and sat up straight, her following my lead. "Alexis Valentine, I've known you for quite a while now, and you're absolutely incredible. You're beautiful, smart and incredibly passionate. But that's not only what attracts me to you. It's your amazing personality and amazing sense of humor which always brings a smile to my face at the worst of times. You bright up the room whenever you enter. It hurts me when we're not together for even half a second. You take risks and do what's best for your family. Once I knew Rose was your sister I saw a huge resemblance, you're both amazing people. When I met you I knew I had feelings for you. I was positive. Still am. Even when you wanted my ass dead." I said chuckling at the end and Alexis rubbed her neck jokingly. "So my point is, Alexandra Valentine will you make me the happiest man on whatever part of the earth that still exists and be.. be mine?" I asked hopeful as I stared at her in worrisome and hope.

She looked at me and grabbed my face pulling it hers. She kissed me, me kissing back as I smiled and we broke the kiss, keeping our foreheads against each other. "Does that answer your question?" She asked. I quickly pulled her back in. "Does that answer yours?" I asked back smiling as we broke the kiss again. "Sure does." She said smiling as she pushed me back and laid her head on my chest once again.

"I love you." I said full heartedly.

She stayed silent for a moment then said "I-I love you too."

With that we, stayed the rest of the night kissing lightly, as we laid under the stars and heart-shaped fireflies, before darkness engulfed as both.

In the end, one needs more courage to live than to kill himself. Temper us with fire, and we grow stronger. For, when we suffer, we survive.

  The End

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