Chapter Fifteen

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... He stared at me and slowly took of his mask as well as his hood. I gasped as I saw who was standing right it front of me.

It was..

"Gage?!" I said in disbelief. I thought he got on the bus and made it to safety!
"Wha- how?! What happened?!"I rambled once again. "Colby! Calm down. I've got some explaining to do.. and you might not like everything you hear." Gage said. He gestured for me to sit back down and told me to listen carefully.

"Colby. In the past, before the apocalypse and shit, I had some beef with a "gang". They're... well dangerous. Actually labeled as the Hell Hounds. Yea, I know cringey. But anyways, my group and I owed them a lot of money for the weapons that we'd "borrowed", but they didn't get even half of what we owed them because we didn't have enough. We were able to slip out of the country before they'd catch us, and come back here. That's where I've been for the last year. I didn't actually attend college and yes mom and dad have known in the happenings of it all. We've been staying low ever since. They've somehow tracked us down and came here sending threats to all our families. Once we got on the bus and were close to the facility, our bus got ambushed and a lot of people have passed. Including mom and dad. Us and a few others were able to get out before it blew up, but the facility doors had already been closed so we couldn't get in. It was too late. And few days ago, we've stumbled across you and have brought you here. That's how you got here." He said calmly.

I just nodded staring at the ground and taking in the information that hit me hard. I just have to take in the fact that mom and dad are gone. It hurts. A lot. But I can't mourn now, I can't waste my time mourning. I'll always remember and appreciate what they've done for me and I will be sad, but I just have to accept it now. It's fate. Yea, I'll accept it. But it doesn't mean I won't get my revenge.

"I've just got one question.. Gage, did you know?... Did you know what's been happening to me the full time I was gone?" I said slowly. He stayed silent and I promise I saw a hint of guilt flash in his eyes. Then he finally answered "Yes... I did Colby. The people who took you before you got on with us, were working with the Hell Hounds. They took you as in a threat to kill you if we didn't repay them or if they didn't get their revenge. They knew who you are, so when they couldn't find me and spotted you instead, they decided to take you and "trade" you. Once we've learned that you've escaped, I knew we'd have to find you eventually. Which we did." He replied. I looked at him in disgust and anger. "So you knew. You knew what I had to go through because of you. The torture, the starve, the pain. I almost died and you couldn't care less you BITCH! My life was on the line! And all you did was hide! Gage, you could've saved me or at least died trying! You know how I "escaped"? I had to kill three goddamn people Gage! I killed them!! You could've prevented this! THE DEATH OF MOM AND DAD! Me killing a human being. It's been haunting me ever since! BUT YOU HAD TO BE A DUMB FUCK AND SCREW WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE!!" I was full on raging. The others were still seated watching in shock.

He swiftly grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and slammed me harshly against the wall. The others seemed like they were ready to stop whatever was about to commence if it had gone to far. I winced and groaned slightly at the pain of my shoulder but once again I ignored it."DONT." He said through gritted teeth. "Get. Off. Me." I said trying to stay calm. Huh, didn't work. He just smirked and said "And what are you gonna do about it? Kill me like you killed the three others?" That's when I lost it.

I punched him hard in the face with my good arm and he stumbled back a bit, letting me go. He charge and kneed me in the gut, causing me to fall down. I looked up at him, and he was smirking. I internally laughed, at him thinking I was done. I stood up slowly coughing and acting as though I was weak. I looked him in the eyes with "sadness and pain" and swiftly tackled him to the ground. I punched him in the face but he dodged a few of them, when he flipped us over and pinned me to the ground. He slammed me on the ground and socked me in the face and in the gut once again. He stood up and looked down at me emotionless. " We couldn't blow our cover just to save your weak ass! You've always been weak and pathetic! No wonder why you were a disappointment in the family." Now I've had it. I swiftly grabbed the dagger in my shoe side and threw at him. I've also taken throwing lessons and a bit of archery, but I wasn't interested, so it stabbed him in the arm. Intentionally."Fuck!" Now he was full on raging. He grabbed my weak shoulder, aka the shot one, and squeezed tight. I yelped and tried getting him off but it didn't work. I kicked him in the stomach but he still didn't budge. I was losing a lot of blood, but he kept on squeezing.

Survival ~Colby Brock~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now