Your Matthew's or Canada's best friend here
Matthew: *crying*
You: *went beside him* Matthew, why are you crying?
Matthew: (some crazy female enemy that you hate to your gut's name) friend zone m-me ;(
You: *gasp* Don't worry, Matt, you'll move on for sure *hugs him* life always give you a second chance called tomorrow
Matthew: *sniffles* thanks (your name)... you d-do know h-how to help me...
You: yeah, I do, *smiles and let go of the hug*
Matthew: *smiles*
You: *took a rock and threw it at your some crazy female enemy that you hate to your gut name's window* BUT NOT THAT BITCH'S WINDOW
Matthew: 0.0
You go girl xD

Hetalia Randomness 2 (All is Random)
FanfictionHey Guys! (Former HetaWarts) AProudAsian here! 0W0 I have three series for this book and this happens to be number 2! Keep in mind that the jokes here are either inspired by the net or I have experienced them myself! So... Yeah! I still hope you enj...