*At the Beilshmidts' residence's kitchen*
Germany: *is frosting his newly baked cake*
Prussia: *came in the kitchen with his signature laugh* Kesesesesesesese~
Germany: *rolled eyes at the sound and continued frosting the cake*
Prussia: WEST! Kesesesesesesese~! *Hugs Germany from the behind*
Germany: W-Was?! *surprised at the sudden contact* Vhat do you zhink your d-doing? *blush*
Prussia: *snickers and gave letter to Germany* ve got an awesome dare~!
Germany: *took the letter* vill you cut it off? Don't hug me! It's unmanly brudder =_= *turns his head and look at Gilbert annoyed*
Prussia: but it's part of zhe awesome dare ^w^ brudder kesesese~
Germany: *facepalm* Ja, vhatever! *read letter*
Prussia: vell, west?~~~~~~ *snuggles at Germany's neck*
Germany: *blushes goddamn hard* j-ja...
Prussia: YAY!!!!!!!!
Germany: too zhe closet! Your my bitch zhis time brudder *predatory smile*
Prussia: NEIN D; don't do zhat west! Please!
Germany: *carries Prussia over his shoulder* Ja
Prussia: *struggles* LET ME GO QAQ
Germany: Nein~
Austria: *opens Germany's bedroom door* Germany, your stock of flour and sugar has ran ou---
Prussia: *looks at Austria half naked*
Germany: *is holding a whip in the air*
Both: *stares at Austria*
Austria: *closed the door* oh ma gawd.... have I visited hell?
Germany: *looks at Prussia then smirk* shall we continue?
Prussia: *whimpers* j-ja
Austria: *staring at his teacup*
Hungary: Mr. Austria~~ *came in*
Austria: *covered face in embrassment* GERMANY AND PRUSSIA ARE MAKING OUT
Hungary: *gasp* JAPAN!!!!! *suddenly become serious*
Japan: *wearing a ninja-outfit and is hanging upside down holding a camera* Hai, Hungary-chan?
Ninja! Japan: *Sigh sadly* I am sorry for your rost Hungary-chan...
Hungary: *took pencil and suddenly wear a ninja outfit* NONSENSE! TO GERMANY'S ROOM! *Still crying.......in happiness*
Ninja!Japan: *snickers * HAAAI!!!!! *Disappeared*
Ninja!Hungary: *disappeared*
*suddenly moans can be heard from upstairs*
Austria: 0///0 *still a blushing mess* WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ZHE WORLD????
Yay! I finish it~ so, yeah I posted this earlier than I said but her xD we not blame!
Thanks for daring @FluffyCresan_! I find this funny! I'm sorry if it's not fluff ;w; I weally am. May Austria survive the horror xD

Hetalia Randomness 2 (All is Random)
FanfictionHey Guys! (Former HetaWarts) AProudAsian here! 0W0 I have three series for this book and this happens to be number 2! Keep in mind that the jokes here are either inspired by the net or I have experienced them myself! So... Yeah! I still hope you enj...