So... These stories are not mine, practically no, they are just rewritten by me, 'Hetalia Style' for us Hetalians.... so I hope we enjoy....being horrified....
Note: Halloween is almost here~
So have some horror stories~
These are rewritten not mine~
So enjoy being all alone~
*sings with a Jack and Jill tune*
Arthur and Francis were business men, they moved in an old Scottish Castle. The two discovered that the castle's wine cellar was still full, so they both decided to sell some for a living and drink the remaining, years passed, the wine cellar was almost emptied, they notice a remaining huge barrel of Brandy in the corner, they tried to push it but they can't, attempting to do so, they planned a party and invited all of their co-workers, family and friends to drink all of the Brandy.
The party has ended, the barrel was sure emptied, but as they pushed the barrel of Brandy, they realized it's still in the same position, the weight only lighten, Francis growed impatient of this and took a chainsaw to slice the barrel into small pieces. But as he sliced the top of the barrel, the two we're horrified on what they saw.
Inside was a dead body.
And they drank all of the Brandy preserved in it.

Hetalia Randomness 2 (All is Random)
FanfictionHey Guys! (Former HetaWarts) AProudAsian here! 0W0 I have three series for this book and this happens to be number 2! Keep in mind that the jokes here are either inspired by the net or I have experienced them myself! So... Yeah! I still hope you enj...