Liechtenstein: *reading Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul and many more gory mangas*
Switzerland: *saw her reading it* ........ *le gasp*
Switzerland: *sends Liechtenstein to a Therapist*
Switzerland: *burn all her Mangas*
Switzerland: *call a priest to baptise his younger sister and her room*
Switzerland: *send Liechtenstein to a Catholic school despite her as a country*
Switzerland: *is mentally terrified of what he did wrong why is his sister reading things like that*
Liechtenstein: :I but big brother, they are cool.
Switzerland: LIECHTENSTEIN THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME. IM PANICKING OK? *shooting Austria who is passing by*
Austria: WTF

Hetalia Randomness 2 (All is Random)
Hayran KurguHey Guys! (Former HetaWarts) AProudAsian here! 0W0 I have three series for this book and this happens to be number 2! Keep in mind that the jokes here are either inspired by the net or I have experienced them myself! So... Yeah! I still hope you enj...