HetaWarts: Ohayo Minna~ I'm practically here updating my last update in this book, saying that the new book of HETALIA RANDOMNESS ALL IS RANDOM 3 is out~ ¡w¡ *bow* A-Ano *sniffs* Arigato for the supports you gave me all this time! I look forward to all of your supports in the new book! *cries dramatically in the corner*
Le Bughs, If you ain't like Naruto, you must like it cuz this little chappie is just a little crossover. The place the Hetalians are in, is in the world of Naruto *cough* *cough*
At Naruto's Apartment
Germany: *wearing Naruto's Clothes like he is Cosplaying as Naruto which he currently is* Vhat zhe... *attempt to have a break down until he sees Naruto, to the flesh wearing what it looks like, Germany's training attire*
Naruto: *wearing Germany's black tank top and Germany's camouflage-colored jogging pants, plus add the Green-Cap and black combat shoes for effect* WHOA! *Admires himself at a nearby mirror* I LOOK HOT IN THIS OUTFIT-TTEBAYO! *smiles and gives himself a thumbs-up*
Germany: --" *sweatdrop* I don't know vhat--
Naruto: EH??? *points at Germany realising there's someone in his house other than him* WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY CLOTHES-TTEBAYO?!?!?
Germany: Zhat.... is also... I wanted to know...
Naruto: ....
Germany: ....
Naruto: want some ramen then Uh...?
Germany: Call me Germany...
Naruto: weird name... *examining Germany from top to bottom*
Germany: *Left eyebrows twitch*
Naruto: *chuckles* Nice meeting you Germany-sama *grinning while pointing to himself by his thumb* I'm Naruto Uzumaki by the way, and my dream is to be a HOKAGE OF KONOHAGAKURE!!!
Germany: I don't know vhat is Hokage means--
Naruto: *left eyebrow twitches as he kept his position*
Germany: but I presume zhat you have a high dream...
Naruto: Hai-ttebayo! And I know I can achieve it someday!
Germany: .... Good luck vith zhat...
Naruto: Arigato Germany-sama! so.... wanna have some Ramen? My pay-ttebayo *smiled*
Germany: Ja *nodded* Hm... zhis kid is not bad as I zhought...
Naruto: Oh! I almost forgot!-ttebayo!! *open front door and turns to Germany*
Germany: hm?
Naruto: You have a weird voice by the way Germany-Sama! *snickers and grins*
Germany: *right eyebrow twitches as he attempt not to scold this little boy in front of him* Nien, he is bad as I zhought.
◇At Sasuke's Room◆
Japan: *wearing Sasuke's Clothes* *cries dramatically with the Ghost!Author-sama cuz he is overjoyed wearing (Duck-Butt's) referring to Sasuke clothes* ;w;
Sasuke: *is wearing Japan's formal white military attire* What is this crying-guy doing inside my room... wearing my clothes!? *looks at himself in a full-body mirror* not only that, why am I wearing a ridiculous outfit? *scoffs* tsk.
Japan: I swear to Kami, I'm keeping this crothe in my body for a very very rong time... *took a tissue box, took one tissue paper and blew on it happily crying*

Hetalia Randomness 2 (All is Random)
FanfictionHey Guys! (Former HetaWarts) AProudAsian here! 0W0 I have three series for this book and this happens to be number 2! Keep in mind that the jokes here are either inspired by the net or I have experienced them myself! So... Yeah! I still hope you enj...