England: *can't stop coughing*
America: *looks at England*
England: *still can't stop coughing*
America: *suddenly beatbox with England's cough*
England: *cough* what the *cough* bloody hell *cough cough cough cough* DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING GIT *cant stop coughing*
America: You were singing so why not add some little beatbox xD
England: *facepalm* I should have expected...

Hetalia Randomness 2 (All is Random)
FanfictionHey Guys! (Former HetaWarts) AProudAsian here! 0W0 I have three series for this book and this happens to be number 2! Keep in mind that the jokes here are either inspired by the net or I have experienced them myself! So... Yeah! I still hope you enj...