Halloween Special- CD

387 17 2

Felicia- fem!Italy



Romulus-Grandpa Rome

Note: Alone, alone in a room,

Shouldn't you be terrified?

Alone, Alone in a room,

Cuddled with your blanket?

Don't be silly little girl,

A sheet of cloth can't protect you,

And how could I know?

I'm already right beside you.


Felicia and Sakura have been great friends, they were so closed since they were only in elementary. Felicia have a beautiful voice, she is part of the band 'Bad Touch Trio', the band isn't as famous but is a growng talent, her grandfather Romulus manage a radio station, so there's no doubt she already make a band CD. Several of them have been sold and been ran out of copies, but Felicia always stored one for Sakura.

Sakura idolized her with all of aspects, but a terrifying news came to her to cause her running towards the hospital. She saw her best friend, lying on the bed, crying with no voice. Romulus explained that Felicia was raped by her older step brother, Antonio, and Antonio went out of town before they discovered what happened. Felicia's throat was injured due of being straggled by Antonio, but still can sing, not beautifully as before, but average.

3 years passed, Felicia was still in her hospital bed, she have created and sing a song about herself being rape, but Sakura didn't heard it yet. Sakura held Felicia's hand until her very last breath. She was crying silently as the nurse interrupt her and gave her a note with a CD on it.

Sakura left the hospital heavy-hearted, she was in her dorm room and decided to listen the CD. The song was heart-breaking but as soon as the song came to the chorus "He tried to find you, His upstairs" it kept repeating itself, "His upstairs, His upstairs, His upstairs..." Sakura took the CD out and clean it, at the moment she played the CD again, as before the chorus repeat itself "His upstairs, His upstairs, His upstairs..." she then heard boots outside her bedroom door, her brown eyes were terrified at the shadow beneath the door, "his upstairs, his upstairs, his upstairs..." Felicia's song made her more scared as the word repeat itslef "His Upstairs, His Upstairs, His Upstairs....you must call the police because....His Upstairs, His Upstairs, His upstairs" she was shock at the new lines in the chorus, there was someone in the dorm, the knob was being forced to open, shakingly, she called the police, good thing the door was locked.

It wasnt long when the police, and FBI agents went in the dorm room, They spotted Antonio in the bathroom hiding, they asked him why is he in the bathroom, but he answered that he was waiting for Sakura.

Sakura gulped as she stare at his features in horror. When when they left her finally alone, she hurried to her room and noticed she didn't read the note Felicia gave her yet, so shakingly she read the note that have been attached into the CD;

"Dear Sakura,

I wanted to tell you this, as soon when Antonio finished raping me, he told me that he would rape you next, I promise no matter what, I wont let that happen.

Love, Felicia "

Salura hugged the note in horror as she muttered 'thank you', she didn't know that Felicia was with her all the time. Watching her in the closet. Alone. Waiting to be reunited with her bestfriend.

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