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Shayne's POV

I feel it.
I feel warm.
I feel loved.
Someone was talking, I can't see them but I can hear their muffled voice.
"...he's cute... so yeah." Oh my gosh, ITS HER.
I kept telling her name but she didn't respond. I felt her touch my forehead and then the feeling come back to my body. I can feel my hand, my legs, my che- OWWWWWW my head hurts so bad, my head feels like I just got assaulted from behind with a baseball bat and the only place the attacker hit was my head.
The pain stays for a few minutes until I hear a doctor come in and turn off a beeping noise. Was that there before? I heard him say he was giving me pain meds because my brain had just processed the pain. Then I heard two very loud cracks followed by an ear piercing scream and crying. Sadie?
"SHAYNE!" Sadie was yelling at me and touching the side of my face where she was at.
"It's ok, I'm ok. Don't try to move your head. I'm here don't worry. Oh I so glad you're awake!" She said
"SADIE I CANT SEE YOU WHERE ARE YOU!" I said completely ignoring the nurses who were telling me to calm down. Then I see her. She has tears on her cheeks and in her bloodshot eyes and her face is red and puffy. She is smiling but it doesn't reach her eyes like it used to. She must be hurt.
"Shhhhh Shayne. It's like 4 AM, but could you let go for me please."
Let go of what. It hits me like a truck that I have been squeezing her hand so tightly that it's turning her wrist blue and purple."
I try to let go but my hand is just stuck, it won't loosen up. 
"I'm so sorry Sadie. I can't control my hand. I'm so sorry." I broke down crying after I realized I have been the one hurting her for however long I've been holding onto her hand. She just lays her head on my chest and keeps repeating that it's ok. It doesn't help calm me down, I'm so upset that I've hurt the girl of my dreams and she is in pain because of me.
"Now that he is awake we could try a different medicine." The doctor says.
"What?" Sadie read my mind. She stood up and I felt so cold when her head left my chest.
"The only medicines we can inject when a patient is unconscious are ones that help the patients injury's and pain the muscle relaxer probably only worked for the places he felt pain. Now that we can have his consent, we can get him to let go with different medication."
(I completely made that up idk if it's true or not.)
"Do whatever it takes to help her." I said. She looked at me and just went back to laying on my chest when the doctor left to go get the medicine.
"I heard you." I spoke up after a while.
"What did you hear." She asked confused.
"You and Mari talking. You have a crush on me right?" I said feeling confident. She looks at me like I just caught her by surprise.
"Yeah it's true, I think you are very attractive, but I don't know you very well so I can't say I have a crush on you yet."
"Honestly you've had me since you walked in." I said still feeling confident.
"Yeah and you almost killed me with a nerf dart." She said laughing.
"You were so awkward when we first met." She added on still laughing.
"Yeah..." I said nervously as I felt my cheeks heat up. Confidence GONE. It went on vacation to the Caribbean.
"Can we just get to know each other and become friends before we try to start a relationship?"  She asked. As much as I wanted her to be mine now, I can accept those terms knowing it will happen in the future.
"As long as you promise to go on a date with me sometime in the future." Heyyyy look at that, confidence came back from vacation.
"I promise." She said smiling. I just wanted to kiss her then and there.
"Oh and your parents are on their way we called them when we first got here." She said.
"Ok this is gonna be fun."
She laughed but before she could respond the doctor came back.
"Ok Mr Topp, this is going to have to go straight into your bloodstream so I have to poke you again." He informed me as he got the needle ready and Sadie squirmed.
"Are you ok?" I asked her.
"I don't like needles."
"You aren't getting the needle." I said.
"Yeah, but I see it and so I feel it for you. " she is so cute.
"I'll be ok." I said just before the doctor spoke up again.
"Oh and Mrs Topp, I need to take some X-rays of your hand, it can wait until later if you want to just let me wrap it up for you and put some ice on it."
"Thank you, but I'm not Mrs Topp." She said smiling slightly.
"OH! I am so sorry miss, I just assumed..." he rambled on, clearly embarrassed.
"It's no problem at all I just thought I would set the record straight." She cut him off smiling.
"Thank you miss."
"No problem. "
I feel the needle go into my arm and my hand relaxes almost immediately. Sadie breathes a sigh of relief and as soon as my grip was loose enough she pulled her hand away clutching it to her chest in pain.
"I'm so sorry Sadie. "
"It's ok I'll be fine." She said through tears. She was definitely not ok but I was going to let the doctor fix her and then talk to her about it. After the doctor was done with her arm, he apologized again and left.
"Where are you sleeping?" I asked her.
"The chair." She said. It did not look comfortable at all. I scooted to the side and motioned for her to come join me.
"I don't wanna hurt you I'll just sleep here." She said as she sat back down.
"I am not letting you sleep on that when there is enough room. You aren't going to hurt me. I am strong man." I said the last part in a caveman accent. She laughed and said ok and climbed up. She rested her head on my chest and shoulder and fell asleep in seconds.

Guys just imagine cuddling with Shayne. HEAVEN. Also IM BACK I have a couple more chapters written that will be posted in the next few weeks.

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