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Shayne's POV

My phone screen says 12:37 and I still can't sleep, so I'm here in the kitchen drinking some tea when I hear a noise come from the hallway.

"Hello?" I whisper shout and grab a knife from the knife block right beside me on the counter.

"Hello?" I say again getting a little bit louder as I hear footsteps on the stairway.

"What's going on down here?" Sadie's dad asks.
"There's someone in the house." I whisper to him and he grabs a knife from the kitchen too.

We walk into the dimly lit hallway and hear someone talking.

"I'm telling you man there's some real good shit in here."

We get to the end of the hallway and see two men in the living room looking at all of our stuff on the shelves.

I get out my phone and text Damien.

(S- Shayne, D- Damien)
S: 911 intruder
D: on their way
*end of convo*

I show the screen to Sadie's dad and he nods his head.

"Hey who's this?"
"She looks familiar."
"Yeah she's the girl my daughter watches on YouTube."
"So these people are rich?"
"Yeah they gotta be to live here."
"Let's take one for hostage."
"No, are you stupid?"
"I think she's pregnant, I'm sure her baby daddy would pay a pretty penny to get her back."
"You think so?"
"Yeah lets do it."
"Ok fine."

Sadie's dad looks at me and then turns to the robbers and whistles.
"Over my cold dead body bitch." I say and tighten my grip on the knife.
"Try me." Her dad says.

"Ok you wanna go old man? You and your short friend don't stand a chance."
They start walking towards us and I get ready to stab them.

"POLICE!! Stop right there." An officer holding a gun comes towards us. I drop my knife and hold my hands up as Sadie's dad does the same.

An officer kicks away our knives and points a gun at me.

"I'm Shayne Topp, I live here with my pregnant girlfriend and this is her father." I say and nod my head towards Sadie's dad who is still holding his hands up.

"My daughter is upstairs with the rest of our family so please keep it down I don't want to wake her up, she needs her rest." He says just before we hear footsteps on the stairs.

"Shayne?! Why are the cops here? What's going on? Daddy? What happened?" Sadie says and rushes as fast as her pregnant belly lets her.

"Stop right there!" Sadie instantly freezes and starts crying. The officer is now pointing his gun at Sadie.

"Sadie baby it's ok." I say and turn towards her.
"Let me calm her down she's my girlfriend and you are stressing her out, it's not good for the baby." I say and walk towards her.

"TAKE ONE MORE STEP AND I WILL SHOOT!" The officer yells again.
"I'm going to calm my pregnant girlfriend down. She's very scared right now and you yelling doesn't make it better." I said and continued to walk to her at the end of the hallway.
"I'M GOING TO SHOOT!" He yelled.

"Excuse me sir, what's going on here?" Richard asked as he walks towards the officer with his military badge in his hand.

The other officers finally take notice of the situation as they see Richard walking out of the hallway with his badge.

"I'm sorry sir these people are causing a disturbance in the neighborhood." The officer says and motions to us.

"This man you are aiming at is my sister's boyfriend and this man standing right here beside me is my father. That pregnant woman crying hysterically is my sister who is eight months pregnant and you have entered her house screaming with a gun, waking her entire family up. I suggest you put that thing away and tell me why you are really here and maybe I'll forget about you lying to me."

"Sir I don't know what you are talking about." The supervising officer says.

"You said they were causing a disturbance but I know that someone else was here in the house because I checked the security cameras and they show you guys walking in during a confrontation between these men trying to protect their family and two sleeze balls who were trying to steal from my sister."

"I'm sorry sir. They had knives when we walked in." The smaller officer said and lowered his gun.

"You seem to have captured the intruders and retrieved everything they took so it looks like your work is done here. You may leave."

"We still have to take statements." The supervising officer said and tried to look tough and important.

"I don't think you heard me right, get out." Richard said and walked out of the shadows completely. His height alone would scare the pants of someone but he was also built like the hulk and was wearing dog tags with a green army shirt.
"We will come by with the surveillance video and statements in the morning and yes we will press charges." He told the officer who was clearly afraid of him, but was trying to hide it.

"Yes sir." He said and turned to walk out of the door with the smaller one following behind.
"Officer?" Richard asked and they both turned around.
"I don't appreciate you pointing a gun at my family."
The officer nodded and closed the door.

Hey y'all sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I'm working on the rest of the book and I will spam updates after it is all finished 😊 thank you for reading

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