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Sadie's POV
"Dinner was great! Thank you both for this amazing food." Damien said as he finished his spaghetti. Everyone was pretty much done so I picked up everyone's dishes and put the in the dishwasher while Rowan put the food away.
"Do you need and help?" Damien and Shayne said at the same time.
I looked at them "no we're all good. Thank y'all for the offer though."
They nodded and went upstairs to Shayne's room.

Shayne's POV
"Dude chill you are ok." Damien calmed me down before I had another panic attack. It wasn't long before we heard a knock on my door. When I answered it Rowan was standing there.
"Listen here Mr. Topp. Sadie is my twin sister, I will be the first to know if you try anything, and when I find out," she grabbed my shirt and pulled me down to her level. "You won't have balls anymore." She let go of my shirt. "Are we clear?"
"Y-Y-Yes ma'am." I was scared. She's a doctor, she knows how to do it.
"Good." She smiled and looked past me to Damien who heard everything.
"Hey Damien do you wanna show me around town tonight it's only 8 and I wanna see LA." She asked.
Damien gulped and responded
"Sure, that sounds nice. Can you give me a minute to take a shower and clean up a bit?"
"Yeah, I'll be in Sadie's room when you're done." She said and walked out.
"Oh my god dude she threatened my balls!" I whisper shouted as soon as I heard a door close across the hall.
"I know I heard. She's got a fire inside." He said. "Do you by any chance know how I can protect mine tonight?"
"Wear a cup? That might not work though, we don't know what kind of stuff she is capable of."
"Damn." He said and left to go get ready.

Sadie's POV
"I'm taking a bullet for you." Rowan said as she put on her skin tight black dress and matching heels.
"He's not a bad guy." I said trying to reason with her for asking Damien to take her out while I talk with Shayne.
"I'm not into guys, remember?" She said and grabbed a light jacket from my closet.
"Can I borrow this?"
"Yeah and I thought you were bisexual?"
"I was but not anymore I'm just not attracted to guys anymore."
"Oh well I'm that case you should tell Damien that so you don't end up leading him on."
"Yeah I will, but is that blonde girl you work with into girls?"
Yeah that sounds like her name.
"Yeah she hasn't come out to the internet yet though."
"That's ok I still have a chance."
"Ok shoot your shot Ro."
"No problem."
We heard a knock at the door and Ro answered it and invited Damien in.
"Hey Damien." She said.
"Hello Rowan."
"I have something to tell you before we leave."
He looked at me and I raised my hands in defense and pointed to Ro.
"Ok, go on." He said.
"I'm not into guys." She said and his face changed completely.
"That's a great thing. I-I-I'm sorry if I came off as homophobic at all. I t-t-think that's great that you told m—"
To cut him off by covering his mouth with her hand.
"I heard you when you were walking down the stairs and when you were in the doorway. I'm flattered that I'm hot and beautiful, but I'm sorry I'm not into guys. Can we be friends though?"
"Great now lets go I need to get out of this house. No offense Sadie but I'm bored."
"You say no offense but I still take offense." I said, pretending to be hurt.

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