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Shayne's POV
"YOU WHORE!" I screamed at Sadie. I know she is acting but my heart still hurt to yell that at her and how her face changed from happy to see me to sad.
Everyone ran into to the squad room after hearing the cue phrase.
"HOW COULD YOU?! I CONFESSED MY LOVE FOR YOU!" I continued. She sensed that I was hurt by calling her this stuff and winked at me to let me she was ok. That made me feel so much better.
"HEY WHAT IS GOONG ON HERE?!" Ian yelled as he ran in. He winked at me before asking again.
"SHE SLEPT WITH ANTHONY! YOU ARE A WHORE!" I said and threw Noah's chair at the wall near the window.
"AND SHE LIKED IT!" I heard Anthony say. Oh this is going to be fun.
"What the hell are you talking about? Why would you do that?" Ian asked
"She wanted it." Anthony said with the biggest shit eating grin on his face.
"You know what Anthony, no she didn't want it. You wanna know why? BECAUSE SHE IS PREGNANT WITH MY BABY!" I screamed in his face.
"Are you sure it's yours?" He asked.
"I mean I have been spending a lot of time with her." He continued, wearing a smirk like armor. "You should have seen it. I made sweet sweet passionate love to her all night. This morning she wanted round two." I really want to hit him.
"You're lying." I said.
"Are you sure?" His confidence was wavering.
"Yes I'm sure because last night she took a pregnancy test and I was there the whole time. This morning she threw up for two hours straight and then went back to bed cuddled up to me." I said and his smile fell.
"We all know the plan you had for them Anthony. Just give up and let them be happy." Damien said.
"You told them?" He asked Ian
"It was the right thing to do." He answered.
"We were best friends." Anthony said as he looked at the ground. "Best friends keep secrets."
"I have been loyal to you for our entire friendship and I know you better than you know yourself. This is not you. Anthony Padilla would never hurt his family like this." Ian said.
Anthony fell to the ground and shook uncontrollably.
"Anthony Padilla would never lie about something this big to his family." Stated Joven.
Mari stepped up, "Anthony Padilla would never intentionally hurt his family."
"The Anthony Padilla I know would do everything in his power to protect his family." Sadie spoke up. "I'm sorry, but I'm not the girl you met in New York. LA is the only place besides my hometown that I have been to." said Sadie.
"I have never been either." Stated Rowan.
"I'm so sorry." He said and walked to the doors. "I'm going home, I need some time to think about myself. Thank you all especially you Sadie." And with that he left.
"Smosh meet in conference room B" we heard Matt Raub say over the speakers.
We all were walking when all of a sudden we heard "BALLS."
"Hey that's my thing!" Ian shouted.

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