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*the next morning*

Mama's POV
"My baby girl can't move all the way out to California to work for this Ian guy. She just can't, I've spent all of last night researching this "Smosh" thing and I don't want my baby girl even watching what they do James!"
"Honeybee, this is Sadie's dream. She started a career and we have to let her move for better opportunities."
"Shhhhhhhh! You're gonna wake her up."
"James she is too young and naive to move out there with them. There are only two other girls in that group that she wants to be in, not to mention it's run by two other men she's only 20 James, I don't want my baby moving all the way out there alone."
"What if she didn't go alone?"
"What? Who's gonna go with her?"
"I'll make sure one of the boys goes with her to keep her safe."
"Shhhhhhhhhh you are gonna wake the dead with that voice!"

Sadie's POV
I woke up to mama shouting usually she is a quiet person and never yells unless she has to. Thinking she is being attacked by someone I run out into the hallway and find everyone standing outside mama and daddy's bedroom door.
"What's going on?"
A choir of "shhh's" responded. Ro comes over and whispers to me that mama is ok and daddy is in there too they are talking about me wanting to go work for Smosh. I get so excited that I run to the door and slam my ear up against the door as quietly as I can and shove Franklin away.
"Honeybee they will take care of each other, Cole has always been there to protect her, and this is a small town he's never gonna get over Sarah if he doesn't move. They can always come visit us and we can go out there to them." You know how you've always wanted to see the Hollywood sign..."
"Ok James, she can go, but only if Cole goes with her and he promises to stay by her side at all times. I don't trust those men at all."
"Ok let's go tell her."
As soon as I heard daddy say that I ran back to my best as fast as my legs would carry me. It was only down the hall but I had to dodge everyone else scrambling to look normal. I just got under the covers when I heard the doorknob turning.
"Wake up princess, the sun has come up to challenge you again."
Whenever daddy wakes me up he says the sun is back to challenge me and try to outshine me and whenever he says good nights he says I won and the sun got tired and gave up.
"Yeah I'm up."
"Why don't you and Ro come downstairs and help mama get breakfast started."
"Ok we'll be down in a sec."
"Ok princess."
Ro looked at me with tears brimming in her eyes.
"What's wrong Ro?"
"You wanna move don't you?"
It suddenly hit me that Ro wouldn't be coming if I moved and it was my turn to tear up.
"I don't wanna leave you." I broke down after that Ro just came over to my bed and hugged me tightly while I cried.
"I won't let you give up, you have wanted to be apart of Smosh for years now. I'll go straight before I let you give up on your dream." We both laughed at that last part.
"I am gonna miss you so much."
"I will miss you even more than you miss me it's ok though we can always FaceTime. Plus, I can come visit you when I take my vacation this summer."
"You were going to go to Tokyo for those three weeks."
"I would rather spend time with you. Plus we can go to Universal Studios and Disneyland and Venice beach and other things like that." She said very clearly excited about Universal Studios.
"Yeah I guess but that's not gonna be for another 4 months."
"Shut up! You are going to go to California and become part of Smosh conversation over." She threw me off the bed and stood up laughing as she helped me up.
"Ok Ro you will die someday."
"Ooooooo I'm so scared." We went downstairs and helped mama finish  breakfast.
"This is really good mama thank you." Cole said as he stabbed a strawberry on my plate with his fork.
"Don't even start at my table."
Cole froze and let the strawberry fall out of his mouth.
"Sorry mama." We both said in defeat afraid of the death glares we were both getting.
"Honeybee and I have something to tell you two. " Honeybee is daddy's nickname for mama, mama loves green tea with honey and drinks a cup of it almost every hour. Daddy just says "Honeybee" instead of "you're mother" when he talks to us about her.
"What is it?" I said grabbing Ro's hand under the table.
"We talked about it, and we decided to give you our permission to go to California for work. We know you are an adult so we can't stop you but we will support you in your dreams princess."
"OH MY GOSH YES! " thank you God for acting skills.
"One condition, you have to take Cole with you or we won't allow it." Cole looked up and started to protest but was stopped by mama.
"If he doesn't go with you then I won't let you go." Legally I can go no matter what they say but I don't want to anger mama before I move.
I look at Cole and he stares at me before turning back to mama and daddy,
"How long before we can leave?"
"Why do you wanna know?" Mama asked clearly hurt by this.
"Sarah won't stop driving by the house or calling me. I wanna get away from here and change my number as soon as I can." Daddy spoke up and said
"Y'all look up some flights and come back to us on that and then we will make a decision."
Cole spring up and cleared his plate to go harass the internet for a flight as soon as possible.
Daddy doesn't always yell but when he does he makes sure you can hear him. We all covered our ears and Cole ran back but had his phone in his pocket.
"You can look at flights later but right now spend some time with Honeybee before y'all leave." We both replied ok and Cole put his phone down under the table so he wouldn't eat in trouble with it at the table and we all went back to eating.
"Do you wanna go get your hair done mama?" I spoke up after ten minutes of awkward silence.
"Oh I haven't been out to Judy's for a while. Let me get cleaned up a bit and then we can head out.
"Ok mama, Ro do you wanna come with us?"
"It's my day off I think I'll come along."
We finished up breakfast and daddy went to work and we piled in the car with Jessica who made last minute plans to hang out with her best friend Ava.
AHHH! Ok the second part to this will be out shortly this chapter is gonna be 3 parts because I have been typing this for 3 hours today and I don't wanna make the pages so long anymore so I think I'm gonna start doing parts and making them shorter. Also Shayne is coming shortly don't worry he's almost here and then he will be in almost every chapter after he arrives. Anyways thanks for reading this and cya!

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