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*6 Months after winter games*

Sadie's POV
"Hey guys! Today is the day! I finally get to find out if I'm having a boy or girl. We are having a gender reveal party at our house, but I have to finish getting ready so I'll see you when I am fully ready." I said to my vlog camera and turned it off so I could finish getting ready for the day. Even though I'm part of smosh I still want to post on my own channel.

I was walking out to the big mirror in the kitchen to do an ootd when I noticed Shayne was working out. He's been doing that everyday since we moved into our own house and Damien moved in with Mark Raub.

"Here we have a wild Shayne Topp in his natural habitat." I pointed my camera at Shayne who was doing some pull ups in the door way.

"Look at those massive arms. This species of wild Shayne Topp is known as frog legs because the arms bear a striking resemblance to frog legs." I continued in my Australian accent.

"The wild Shayne Topp's have been known to attack with hugs and kisses, but they are generally quite cuddly when approached. Let's see how close he'll let me get." I said and started to wobble closer.

Shayne stopped doing pull ups and looked at me with an evil grin.

"Oh no, we have been spotted." I said just before I was pulled into a kiss.
"Good morning sunshine." He said when he pulled away.
"Good morning frog legs." He laughed and took my camera.

"Look at her. Isn't she beautiful?" He said as he moved around me, pretending to be paparazzi. I just held my giant belly and stared at the clock on the wall. He finished his paparazzi work and turned off my camera.
"I love you sunshine." He said and kissed me again. "And I love you baby sunshine." He got down on his knees and kissed my belly.
"I can't believe we get to meet him in a month." He said as he gently put his forehead on my belly.
"Who said it was a boy?" I said, giving him sass.
"I don't know. I think it's a boy." He said and got up to put his white shirt on.
"I think it's gonna be girls." I said.
"What do you mean girls? Like with an S? Meaning two?" He asked.
We don't know anything, instead, my mom knows the gender and if there is more than one baby. We wanted to be surprised when we found out the gender.
"I feel like I'm having twins." I said.
"Why do you say that?" He stopped buttoning his shirt and came closer to me.

"I had a dream when we first found out about the pregnancy. We were both holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket." I explained.
"Ok so there is a chance that we will have twins and that your entire family will murder me today but that's ok." He said and started pacing.
"Shayne, calm down. Guns aren't allowed on planes." I joked but this only made him freak out even more.
"Hey, you have already met mamma and she likes you. Daddy would never hurt something or someone that mamma and I like."
"I'm just scared. This is the first time I'm meeting your dad and you are pregnant. What am I gonna say when I meet him?  'Hey Mr. Johnson, I'm the guy that got your daughter pregnant before we got married.' He's gonna kill me."
"Shayne, you are worrying yourself too much. He knows everything that's happened and is ok with it. I'm sure he's upset that everything happened, but he's more excited to become a grandpa. He's also happy that you didn't run off and actually stayed when we found out."
"I'm just scared." He said and side hugged me because I'm too big to hug someone normally.
"Everything is ok." I said and hugged him back.

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