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* a week later*

Shayne's POV
I sat on the floor outside the bathroom with Damien, Ian and Rowan. Sadie had been throwing up a lot and we both knew that she could be pregnant, but we waited a week to take the test. I put my head in my hands and silently cried. What if Sadie is pregnant? I haven't met her parents yet. Her dad is going to kill me if he's anything like his son Cole that came with Sadie to LA. We would have to get married before the baby comes. Sadie told me her mom is very religious. What about Anthony and his plan? What if he tries to hurt Sadie or the baby? No, he wouldn't harm a child. My thoughts get interrupted by Damien.
"Dude it's been 3 minutes already. You should check on her."
"Yeah you're right." I stood up and knocked on the door.
"Baby, it's me can I come in?"
She doesn't say anything but the door opens and she shows me the test. Shit.
It's positive. Ian, Damien and Rowan all stand up and look at the two pink lines.
"Well I'll help you tell mamma and daddy." Rowan says.
I finally look at Sadie and she has tears running down her face.
"Come here." I whisper and pull her close to me.
"We will get through this. I love you and this baby so much already. I promise nothing is going to happen to either of you." I whispered and kissed her forehead. She just pulled herself closer to my chest and took deep breaths.

Sadie's POV
"...I promise nothing is going to happen to either of you." Shayne whispered to me. I love this man so much and I'm excited to be having his baby but I wish we would have waited to have kids and used protection. A few minutes passed by and then I let go. I needed to call mamma.

Mamma's POV
"There!" I said as I frosted the last cookie.
I was putting the finishing touches on the batch of freshly made sugar cookies. They are Sadie's favorite and I miss her so much. She calls every once in a while and sometimes she does that video thing so we can see each other. Rowan left yesterday to go visit her and I wish I could have gone with, but my other children need me here.
"Mamma! Your phone is ringing!" I hear Richard say. I must have left it in the living room.
"Coming!" I say back and put the frosting down. When I get there I see it's Sadie calling me and immediately answer it.
"Sadie? It's so wonderful to hear from you! I just made a batch of sugar cookies."
"Mamma I need to tell you something." She sounded upset and scared. Oh how I wish I could just comfort my baby and tell her everything is ok.
"Well what is it? Is everything with you and that boy Rowan was telling me about ok?"
"Mamma I'm ok, but I need you to sit down."
"Well now you have me scared. What is it Sadie?"
I didn't expect to hear what she said next.
"Mamma... I'm pregnant..."
I felt like my whole world fell. My baby is pregnant and unmarried. I stayed silent and then started to hear sobs.
"Mamma please say something. I need you right now."
I couldn't, my mouth wouldn't make words. I hung up the phone and put my head in my hands. I knew I shouldn't have let her move all the way out there.

Daddy's POV
I walked into the kitchen and saw my wife sitting at the table with her head in her hands and her phone sitting in front of her.
"Honeybee, what happened?" I asked and quietly sat beside her.
"Sadie should have never gone. I should have never let her go." She said.
"Is Sadie ok? What about Rowan?"
"Sadie is pregnant."
My heart fell. My little girl was out in LA and pregnant. I didn't even know she had a boyfriend. I hope she has a boyfriend, and I hope he's a nice one.
"What did you say?" I asked my wife.
"I hung up."
"You hung up on her? Honeybee, she may be unmarried but she is our daughter and she needs us right now."
"I know, I just couldn't make my mouth speak. I feel terrible for hanging up on her, I will call her back after lunch when I have had time to calm down and think."
"That sounds like a nice idea. I'm gonna tell Rowan what is going on so she can calm Sadie. She's probably scared that you are upset with her."
"Ok. I'm going to go lay down. Please put away the cookies."
"I will."

Sadie's POV
She hung up on me. I started crying and Rowan just pulled me into a tight hug while I sobbed.
A few minutes later her phone buzzed and  it was daddy. He said that mamma just didn't know what to say and that she isn't mad. That made me sigh in relief.

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