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(I don't think Shayne has ever said what his parents names are, if you know their names just substitute (S/M) & (S/D) for their names.)

Shayne's POV
I couldn't let her meet my parents. They would embarrass me even more. I HAVE TO STOP THEM. While I'm thinking of possible ways to stop them from getting here the door opens, it's a nurse.
"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Topp." Sadie and I got tired of telling the different nurses and doctors that we aren't married so we just let them call us Mr. and Mrs. Topp now.
"You have visitors, a (S/M) and a (S/D) are here. Do those names mean anything to y'all?" The nurse continued. I wanted to say no and never let them meet Sadie, but Sadie already knows my parents names and what they look like so she could tell the nurses to let them in if I was sleeping when they got here.
"Yes they are my parents."
"Would like to see them?"
Sadie and the nurse both looked at me waiting for an answer. I panicked and my hand that Sadie was holding onto started to shake. She understood this and told the nurse to tell them I was sleeping. The nurse nodded and then walked out.
"Thank you." I said.
"Don't say that yet, there is something you aren't telling me about your parents."
"Don't lie to me Shanyé." She said holding a water bottle above my pokeballs.
"OKAY OKAY!" I say when she pretends to drop it. She slowly moves it away and then sets it back down.
"You have about five minutes before I'm telling the nurse to bring your parents in, Topp."
"Ok fine. Since you already know, I like you a lot and I don't want my parents to mess everything up." She laughed at me when I said that.
"Shayne, the only thing that you should be worried about is getting better. I'm going to get the nurse now are you going to be ok for a few minutes."
"Yeah I'll be fine, but first..." I said looking into her eyes. It's now or never Shayne. She looked at me confused until I pulled her down and kissed her. It took a few seconds for the shock to wear off but I soon felt her soft lips kiss me back. I was in heaven. Her lips fit mine perfectly.

Sadie's POV
"Yeah I'll be fine, but first..." I felt his arm go around my neck. This is happening. I've never kissed a boy before. I let it happen, too shocked to pull away. His lips reached mine and I couldn't believe it. I was kissing Shayne. I kissed him back and he pulled me closer to him and licked my bottom lip. From reading countless romance books I knew this was the signal to go further. I softly moaned and he took advantage of this opportunity. Our tongues battled for dominance and he won. We continued to make out until we heard the beeping of his heart monitor. It was beeping really fast. A nurse rushed in and took a look at our swollen lips and my messed up hair, I didn't touch his hair for fear of hurting him, she seems to know what's going on and just resets the machine and leaves. She smiled at us before she walked out. I decided to go find the nurse from before because I couldn't resist kissing him again.

Shayne's POV
Sadie went to find the nurse after fixing her long beautiful brown hair. I wanted to keep kissing her but I knew my parents were waiting and maybe they would leave tomorrow if they saw me doing good right now.

The nurse said Shayne was sleeping and I prayed he would wake up again. When Damien called me, I dropped to the floor and cried until (S/D) got home. My baby was lying in a hospital bed in pain. Damien said he wasn't going to stay with him all night because only one visitor could stay the night. When I asked who was staying with him he said it was a new Smosh girl who's hand was stuck in Shayne's grip. I wondered why and Damien said it was because when Shayne hit his head this mystery girl came running in and held his hand to tell him it was gonna be ok. When she tried to let go of his hand or the doctors tried to get her hand free, his grip just got tighter. That poor girl, her arm must be broken. I hope he set her free when he woke up, I taught my son to respect women.
"Excuse me, I don't mean to interrupt but, are you Mrs. Topp?" I looked up and a girl around 23 with long brown hair stood in front of me. This wasn't a nurse. I didn't know how to respond, fearing that she was a fan of Shayne's and wanted to see him or something. Before I could say anything (S/D) said
"Yes, who's asking?"
"Sadie Johnson, I'm a friend of Shayne's." I looked down at her left arm and saw a cast. This is the girl Damien was talking about.
"Are you here with him?" (S/D) asked.
"Yes, he is awake now." She smiled.
We jumped up when she said he was awake and she took us to his room.
"Before you go in there, he has a bandage on his head and he is sensitive to bright lights and loud noises right now so it's best to whisper." She warned us before she pushed the handle down and opened the door. She walked to a bag that I'm guessing is hers and grabbed a wallet.
" I'll leave you guys alone for awhile. Would anyone like anything from the vending machine or cafeteria?" She asked. 
When no body spoke up she said bye and left. I noticed Shayne's smile got a strange shadow on it when she left. He seemed upset that she had left.
"So who's the girl?" (S/D) asked in a whisper tone.
"Sadie." He said, still looking at the door. 
"Who is Sadie?" I added on.

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