A Common Interest

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As we make it back to the Club, I see Moxi and Leon singing a duet on the stage. Fallyn is presumably back with those women. Rokkan and Lastis are sitting at the bar talking in a fairly serious manner, until Rokkan holds his hands out and squeezes the air. "Perverts. Perverts everywhere." Attira says with a slight chuckle on my back. Attira hops off as we sit back at the table, we were at previously. Leena sits down with us as we stare at her. "Why are you sitting with us and not Rokkan?" I ask as she laughs. "I can only handle so much of the captain at a time." She says as I hear Rokkan raise his voice from the bar. "That's hurtful. I think I might cry." Rokkan says sarcastically as Attira and I sigh. "So, how do we relax?" Leena asks as Attira closes her eyes and thinks to herself. "Anyone watch anime?" She asks as I quickly spin 90 degrees and stare at her. "Yes." I reply, dead serious. "Oh, uh, which ones?" Attira asks as I take a deep breath and stare directly into her eyes. "Yes." I say once more as she covers her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. Leena quickly leans in, blushing slightly. "I also love anime, but I don't like letting people know." She says as I stare at her. So, she's a closet anime fan? She doesn't like broadcasting her interest in nerdy things. I think as I chuckle slightly at the thought of the dead serious Leena geeking out over anime. "What's so funny?" She hisses as I raise my hands. "Nothing." I say nervously as she stares daggers at me. "Anyways you two, have either of you watched than new Isekai that came out a few months ago?" Attira asks as I nod. "Yes, 'Revived as A Tsundere God' was the title if I remember correctly." I say as she nods. The next several hours we spend discussing and dissecting each-others views and tastes. We laugh and joke around while discussing our favorite animes and genres. Leena oddly enough loves Slice of Life anime while Attira and I both love action and comedy animes, even though we all watch all genres. "Maybe we can have a nerdy get-together and watch anime sometime? Catch up on the shows together during free time?" Leena suggests and Attira and I nod. After several hours, Leena stands up at the beckon and request of Rakkon. "Well, it was fun, but we do need to finish our main mission. Albeit a tediously easy one." Rakkon says as Leon yawns and stretches slightly. "Then after I'm going to need a nap." Leon mumbles as Moxi jumps on his back. "Just don't forget to swing by our base so we can sing some more, since some friends won't ever sing with me." Moxi says while staring at me with wide eyes. I chuckle nervously and wave as I stand up slowly. I almost fall over when I stand up. Attira quickly grabs me as I rub the back of my head. "Thanks, not sure what happened there. I think my legs are a little asleep." I say as Attira laughs. Fallyn stumbles from the backroom with lipstick smears on his face with his blue hair completely messy. "I need a nap." He says as he props on a table and shakes his head. As lastis walks to us, Rokkan coughs. "Before you guys go, just know that transfer will be at your base soon." Rokkan says as he winks, throws up a peace sign, then vanishes. "Alright, team." Lastis says as he yawns. "Let's get back to base." He says as he pulls out a phone and hits a few buttons. "How did that phone not get damaged tonight?" I ask as he looks at me. "Can't get damaged if it doesn't get hit." He says as he winks at me. After a few seconds we get teleported back to the base. "Do you ever think that we are truly wasting the potential for this teleportation abilities?" Moxi asks as Lastis laughs. "The angels and demons that specialize in this can do it quite easily." Lastis says as I yawn. I quickly walk a few steps before stopping. "Oh right, I've never actually slept on my bed in this base. Where exactly do I sleep?" I ask as Attira quickly grabs my wrist. "I'll show you to your bed." She says with a creepy grin. "Sometimes you scare me." I mumble in response as she leads me through a few rooms and to some beds. As I look around the room, I see 5 beds. "So, if we're getting a new teammate, where will he sleep?" I ask as I see Moxi, Fallyn, and Lastis all crawl into different beds. "Looks like we'll have to share a bed." Attira says as I sigh and lay on the floor. "This is fine." I mumble as she quickly picks me up and throws me onto an empty bed. "If anything, I'll sleep on the floor, you sleep there." She says as she starts to lay on the floor. Now I just feel like a dick. I can't let a lady sleep on the floor. I think as I sigh and scoot to the far edge of the bed. "Just lay down." I say while blushing slightly. "Aw, that's sweet." She mumbles as I feel her lay next to me. "This was your plan anyway, wasn't it?" I ask as I hear Moxi and Fallyn laughing. As I sit up, I see Moxi staring at me. "What, you don't want to sleep with your kitten?" He asks as I feel my face get warm. I quickly lay down and close my eyes. While I hear Moxi laughing I doze off. Almost as though I blinked, I wake up without any dreams. Damn, I must have been exhausted. I think as I notice Attira's arms wrapped around me. A persistent tapping noise quickly hits me. Fast, accurate, timed. Each tap sounding slightly louder than the previous. As I slowly sit up, I see Attira wake up. As I look across the room, I see a man with headphones on typing on a laptop. "Hey, who are you?" I ask as he slowly looks up at me. He has long black hair parted so its covering one eye. We stare at each other for a second before he takes off his headphones. "My name is Sinneth Zodiak." He says as he goes back to typing on the laptop. 

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