Fighting Sheeva

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I quickly roll to my feet and ready my fist as I see Sheeva jump towards me. I narrowly duck under her scythe and roll to her side to throw a punch. She easily dodges my punch and swings her scythe towards my midsection. As I start to jump back, I get hit from behind and sent far forward. A barrage of crashes and cracks floods my ears as I open my eyes to a long trail of felled and ripped trees. I heal and stands up as she appears beside me and kicks me through several more trees, coming to a quick halt against a large boulder. I pop my neck and step forward as I see her lunge towards me with her scythe in mid-swing. Alright weird mark on my hand, let's see how strong you are. I think as I hold up the back of my fist and block Sheeva's scythe with the mark. I lock my legs as I get pushed through the rock and a few trees behind it. The deafening crash of trees doesn't faze Sheeva, but upon seeing I blocked her scythe with my hand, she jumps away. I quickly look at my hand and notice it's not even scratched. "Give me all the strength you can." I say as I focus all my energy towards my hand. My entire body becomes tingly as blue and purple energy wraps around my body. As I lunge forward towards Sheeva, I hear a loud boom. I throw a punch as hard as I can. Sheeva jumps back and dodges my punch as I hear another loud crash. I see several trees fall in front of me, Sheeva sees them as well and jumps away from them. "I will admit, how fast you grow in strength is terrifying, but you still are much weaker than me. I will prevent you from turning against us in the future, I will kill you!" Sheeva shouts as I vomit blood and get lifted off the ground. The blade of her scythe is jammed through my stomach horizontally as I attempt to scream. Before I can muster a scream, she rips her scythe out through the right side of my stomach. I fall forward onto the ground, deep red blood pooling around me as my body goes numb. I look back and panic as I see all my organs laying on the ground. Once more I try to scream, but Sheeva plants her foot of my throat, stopping me. I vomit blood as Sheeva sighs. "And to think, you had so much potential. If only you hadn't been a demon." Sheva says as she raises her scythe, blocking out the sun directly above us. I don't want to die. Don't let me die. I want to live! I think as I try to move my hand. No use, my hand is completely unresponsive. "Goodbye Malick, I'm sorry I wasted my time with you." Sheeva says as she swings her scythe down towards my head. I quickly close my eyes and prepare to never open them again. A sharp ringing echoes through my ears as I surprisingly open my eyes. I see a man standing beside me, blocking Sheeva's scythe with a sword. "Wait, You're!" Sheeva seems to panic as the man kicks her in the stomach. She gets launched back and I use the rest of my energy to turn my head to look where she went. I see a spire of flames several miles away shooting up all the way to the sky. The fire seems to burn hot enough to turn the entire sky red. "Incredible." I say as I start to black out. Fading in and out, I see the man pick me up carefully. The next thing I see is a red room. I jolt up to see ornate windows and heavily decorated walls. I quickly look at the right side of my stomach and notice I'm fully healed. "What's with me always waking up in a fancy building of sorts?" I mumble as I roll out of bed. I try to prop my left arm on the bed out of habit, but fall to the floor and hit my head. "Right, no more left arm." I mumble as I sigh and hop to my feet. I notice suddenly I'm wearing different clothes. I'm now wearing a long sleeve black and red shirt and black pants with several pockets. I have no shoes or socks on and sigh. "Sleeping in a bed with shoes on does seem rude, so maybe they thought that too." I mumble as I walk to the door. As I reach for the handle, I notice a symbol on the door. It looks like a small skull of sorts with two horns. The left side horn is short and slightly curved, but the right-side horn is long and heavily curved. The horns form the letter "o". The tips are almost touching, but have a little space between them. A black orb sits fixated in the dead center of the circle formed by the two horns. "That's odd." I say as I open the door. "So, he's awake?" I hear a man say down the hallway. "Yes, my king." a woman says as I walk down the hallway towards the voices. As I come around the corner, I see a large throne room. A man with heavy black full body armor and a black cape stands up. The only part of his body I can see is his head. He has long spikey black hair falling down his back and sharp red eyes, he couldn't be older than his very early twenties. He holds his arms open and smiles. "It's been so long since I've seen you! You've grown up so much." He says as he appears in front of me. "How do you know me?" I ask as I stare at him. It almost feels like I'm staring into a reflection of an older me. "I didn't mean to reunite with my son under these circumstances, but that bitch annoyed me. She should be grateful I held back as much as I did." He says with a sigh as I stare at him "Son?" 

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