~10~ The Heist

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"What we are doing to people isn't right. I hate that we take from others to benefit ourselves."

"I know, but this is the last job. Boss will kill us if we don't finish it. We have debts to pay, and this is the only way to repay them."

"I promise, Hobi, we won't do this anymore after tonight. It's at the Kim Plaza, 11:30pm sharp."

I kept walking with Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, and Tae. I didn't want them to know about them yet, especially since they seemed a little sketchy. There is no way they would let me around them if they knew.

When we reached the hotel it was 10:25. I told everyone goodnight and went to my bed. I didn't sleep for a minute. I looked at a map to plan my route.

At 11:00, I snuck out of the hotel and made my way to the Kim Plaza. People were getting out of fancy cars in elegant dresses and expensive tuxedos. I was still wearing my sweater and jeans, so I went to a dress store nearby. Everything was way too expensive, so I settled for a thrift store. I found a decent black dress with little sparkles on it, and a pair of silver heels. They were not comfy, I prefer sneakers.

When I got close to the door, I found out there was a guest list. Of course there was. It was a fancy event, they weren't going to let just anyone in. I overheard a lady talking on the phone.

"Yes, honey, I'll be home soon. I'll talk to you later, I'm sorry you were too sick to come..."

And she said her first and last name. That's what I would use. I went to the door and told the man with the list my new name. He didn't question anything, it seemed too easy. What was this event for anyways? A charity? Fundraiser? I don't know, but I needed to find Suga, RM, and Hobi.

I scanned the room and didn't see them, so I found a corner to stand in and a drink so I would look casual, and I waited for them to come in. It was 11:25, so whatever they were going to do, they were going to have to make it quick. 11:28 came, so I thought I just missed them coming in.

I went to a set of stairs and looked over to scan the room for them.

Of course! If you're going to pull of some sort of heist, you need to seem invisible. I spotted RM, he was dressed in a tux, but it wasn't as extravagant. He was dressed in a waiter's outfit. He was serving people, and apparently robbing them, too. Anytime he would pass a purse or wallet, he managed to easily take cash from them. And he knew what he was doing, because no one noticed, plus he was pulling out $100 bills. I watched in amusement, and he retreated to the back. He came back with Suga and Hobi. They were all holding trays with drinks on them and they were whispering in the corner.

It was 11:30. A man walked up on the stage, took a mic, and started talking.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, it is such an honor to have you all here for this special occasion. I would hope that you all have already given your donations," he nodded towards a huge black box that had 'donations' written on it. I hadn't noticed it until now, but I saw so many people walk in that direction. There must be at least a million dollars in there. The man started speaking again, "Thank you all for your generous donations. All funds go towards the Alien Investigation Association..."

WHAT THE HECK!? Were these people conspiracy theorists? I always wondered what people with a lot of money spent it all on. Now I knew. I bet the girl's identity I stole wasn't actually sick. She probably just didn't want to come to this ridiculous event.

I looked for Suga, RM, and Hobi, but I guess they went back into the back room to get food and drinks. When they came back out they served everyone, and RM took the donation box on his way out.

I followed them through the back door, and they hopped into a tinted black SUV. Before they could shut the door, I hopped in the back seat. They were ready to attack, but when they recognized me they let their guard down.

"What are you doing here?" Hobi asked. He was in the back seat with me.

"I could ask you the same," I told them. I wanted them to explain first. "You're pretty slick, aren't you?" I looked at RM in the front passenger seat and touched his shoulder. He flinched, I sighed, stupid static.

"What are you talking about?" He asked like he had no idea.

"Uh, the pick-pocketing, you did a pretty good job. No one noticed, except me of course," I told him.

"Okay, you caught us, so what are you doing here?" Hobi asked.

"Hmm, I don't know. I just felt like I needed to see what you all were doing and make sure everything was okay," I told them and looked at Hobi. "Are you okay? Your face seems to have healed for the most part," I told him, he seemed surprised that someone actually cared about his health.

"Yeah, I'm better, thanks," He assured me, and touched my arm. He flinched like RM did. I can't believe I have so much static.

"Hold on!" Suga yelled, and the car started jerking and screeching.

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