~28~ The Last Job

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We searched the internet all night to try and figure out who was after us. We all became so tired we couldn't keep our heads up, so we all went to bed to sleep.

In the morning, I got up and went to the bathroom. I ran into Yoongi in the hallway.

"Hey," he said.

"Morning," I said to him. I yawned.

"Still tired?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm about to go do more research to find out who those people are," I told him.

"Want some help?" he asked, smiling at me.

"Sure," I said and smiled at him.

We went into my room and started researching. I kept yawning, so I went downstairs to make me some coffee so I could wake up. Yoongi came with me.

"You want some?" I asked him.

"Sure," he said.

I started making the coffee. I had an old coffee maker so it took a little while to brew.

"So once we find out who these people are, what are we going to do?" he asked.

"I don't know. Do something that will make them not come after us?" I wasn't really sure what we would do.

"I guess we will cross that bridge when we get there then," he said.

"What do you want in your coffee?" I asked him.

"Do you have stuff for an iced americano?" he asked.

"Uhhh, I don't know. You can look. I don't know how to make that. I just usually drink black coffee and occasionally put creamer in it," I told him not knowing what he was talking about.

"Okay, I'll look," he said.

He gathered things out of my pantry, and looked through my cabinets to find some things to make it with. I guess he made him one because he seemed fine with what he made.

"Wanna try?" he asked as we walked up the stairs.

"Is it good?" I asked.

"I wouldn't drink it if it wasn't," he said and handed it to me.

I took a drink of it and it was good.

"You're going to have to teach me how to make that, too," I said looking at him and giggled.

He gave me a look, and we went into my room to research the people after us.

"So the building that blew up was owned by Bang Sihyuk, but that is the only thing I can find," I said.

"Anything about him?" Yoongi asked me.

"No. It looks like he was wiped off the face of the earth. There is no sign of him anywhere except for owning that building," I said.

"I was wondering... why did you see our past selves?" He asked.

"I'm not really sure, but I think it has to do with my power. I actually looked this up. It has something to do with the electrical signals in my brain. And because I have so much electricity running through me and I was upset the other day, then the electrical pulses in my brain were rapid. I passed out, because my brain had to stop all of my unnecessary functions so it could slow down. When I did that, my brain started to focus on slowing them down, and I guess in all the chaos I began to remember my past lives and what happened in the most recent one. I guess it happened to me in that one, too because I had some knowledge about it. Plus past RM and I worked together for a while to figure it all out, and I guess that us having past lives was the conclusion we made. Does that make sense?" I asked him.

"Uh... sure," he said. I guess that was a lot.

RM and Hobi walked in the room.

"Suga, we've got to go," RM said.

"Where?" I asked.

"We have to finish our 'job'," Hobi said.

"Okay, I'll be back later, Y/N," Yoongi said to me and walked out the door.

This better be their last job, because with everything going on they could be discovered. Wait. Who is their 'boss'? Could he have something to do with who is after us?

I changed into my day clothes and waited until they left the house and were deep into the woods. I went out to back door and went to the Cypher House.

I saw them walk out with a duffel bag of money. They all got into the black car and drove off.

I went to the dark blue car, started it, and tried to follow them without them knowing. I wasn't sure how well that would work out. I wasn't the best driver and didn't know very many directions.

I tried to keep track of their car and was successful. They turned off the main road onto a rocky backroad. I tried to drive as slow as I could behind them so they wouldn't notice. I finally decided to just pull the car over into the trees and walk through the woods.

The black car stopped at a gate. Suga rolled down the window and put a number code in the keypad. I didn't see what it was.

The gates opened and the car drove through. I ran to try to get through the gates, but they shut and locked before I could get through them.

I went to the keypad and tried 724148, but it was wrong. So I grabbed the keypad and focused.

I closed my eyes and felt the energy inside of me. I held onto the keypad and electrocuted it. It shorted out and I heard the gate unlock.

I went through the gate and went to a window of the building and looked inside. Hobi, RM, and Yoongi was inside.

I could hardly hear what they were saying, but I managed to hear a few things.

"Here is the money, Boss," RM said to the man. He was in a suit.

"You did good, boys," he told them.

"It was nice working for you, Boss. Thanks," Yoongi said.

"What do you mean? 'Nice working for me'? You're not done," he said.


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