~4~ Noted: Expect The Unexpected

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Tae and I went to go find his brothers. They were waiting for him outside of the school.

"Hey, Y/N is going to hang out with us today. We're all going to go eat and go bowling," Tae said to his brothers.

"Cool, sounds good! So how was everyone's day?" Jin asked.

"I had Math last period," Jungkook mumbled.

"Sorry man, I had Social Studies. It's not much better," Jimin replied.

"Well I'm so glad everyone had such a great day," I said sarcastically. The boys laughed. I'm happy I have some friends now and they actually laugh at some of the stuff I say. "Okay, so let's go on to the diner. It's only about a 10 minute walk."

We all started walking towards the diner. Along the way we stopped at the park. Well, I'd call it more of a small playground. It only had 2 swings, a slide, a tire swing, and some monkey bars. The boys wanted to stop and look around. They just ended up fooling around on the playground. Jin went down the slide about a million times, and jungkook and Tae kept pushing each other on the tire swing. The monkey bars were for kids around 12, but I still couldn't reach them. Jimin came beside me and watched me with amusement.

"At least I can reach them. Everyone calls me short," he said, happy that someone was shorter than him for once.

"Ha! Guys, look! Y/N can't reach the bars! We've found someone shorter than Jimin!" Jin yelled to Tae and Jungkook. Jimin gave him an offended look.

"Well, I am a bit short. But it doesn't bother me, it's just the way I am," I smiled at Jimin.

I actually kind of feel bad now, since that was how I distinguished him from the others before.
I gave up on the monkey bars and went to sit in one of the swings. Jimin followed and sat in the other.

"Thanks, I've never really thought about it that way, me being short. I've always thought of it as sort of a burden. That I can't reach some things, or everyone is always looking down on me, or I'm not good enough at some of the things I want to do because of my height," he said looking at the ground.

I didn't realize that some of the smallest, err, uh, insignificant things could affect someone so much.

"Well now you have someone to look down on," I smiled, "and someone to look up to you."

"Thanks, again. You are a good friend," he told me. I think he is more of a good friend than I am. I'm so happy to have him.

We just sat there and looked into each other's eyes. It's nice to have someone there for you.
Someone touched my back suddenly and it startled me. I yelled. It was just Jungkook, but he seemed startled, too.

"Sorry, you scared me," my breathing was fast.

"Oh it's fine, sorry I scared you, you just shocked me is all," he said.

"Oh, I guess I've had a lot of static these past few days," I chuckled. "Were you needing something?"

"Yeah, come on, let's go eat!" He said with a thrilled look on his face. I guess he was hungry. I apparently was, too. My stomach started growling.

"Okay, come on, it's just down this street and we take a left at the corner," I was excited to go eat, too. I was still on the verge of laughing. These boys are just great.

We finished walking on down the street and took a left at the corner. I gasped. I'd never seen anything like this in this town. The diner was trashed. I went across the street to see what happened.

"What happened here?" I asked the store owner of the boutique from across the street. That was the only place we had to buy clothes from.

"Some criminals robbed the place. They destroyed the diner, ripped the booths open and turned over all the tables. I bet they just wanted to cause trouble. I just feel so sorry for the owner's family," she put her hand over her heart.

"How come? Can't they just restore it? They would be back in business in no time," I didn't think it was such a big deal.

"Honey, they didn't just rob the place, they killed the owner, too. I guess he tried to stop them and they shot him." she replied with such sorrow.

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