~48~ What I Could Do

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After a few days we were ready to escape, but my parts of the plan had to come in before we were completely ready. I was still feeling extremely nauseous. We figured out that whatever they were doing to me during the exams was making me sicker, we just didn't know exactly what they were doing.

I heard the woman open my door.

"It's time for your exam, Y/N!" she said cheerily.

"Alright!" I said with the same cheery tone.

"Have you been feeling sick lately?" She asked me.

"Not very much. Why?" I lied.

"Are you sure? Because your nutrition levels have been low," she said.

"Yes, I just don't seem to have too much of an appetite," I said, brushing off the fact that I've hardly eaten a whole meal in the past few days. I didn't know how I still had the energy to even stand up.

"Well now we want you to drink this breakfast shake every morning, so you can get the nutrition you need," she said and took a bottle out of her lab coat pocket.

"Okay, I've heard of breakfast shakes, but I've never actually had one. Do you have breakfast shakes, or eat breakfast in the morning?" I asked her.

"No, I just drink coffee. I occasionally have a pastry," she said.

"Ah, that sounds good," I said and smiled.

"Here. Drink up," she said handing me the bottle.

I took it and began drinking it. I stopped for a moment.

"I have to make sure you drink all of it,"  she said and nodded for me to continue.

I drank the rest of it.

"Where is a trash can?" I asked her.

"I can take it," she said and held out her hand.

I gave it to her and we began walking again. I felt a pinch in my back and began to feel dizzy and weak.


I felt a cold, hard surface beneath me. I tried to raise up, but something was blocking me. My head slammed back down. There was a leather strap over my chest. I tried to raise my arms but they were chained to the table. My legs had a strap over them, too and my ankles were chained.

I looked around and didn't see anyone. I tried to get my hands loose, but the chains were too tight.

"... She is showing no signs of abnormal processes. She may be the wrong one," I heard the girl say.

I laid back down on the table and closed my eyes. I relaxed my entire body as if I was asleep.

"She can't be the wrong one," a man said.

"How do you know?" The girl asked.

"Because we have footage of her being fried by an electric fence. No one could survive that much of an electric shock," he explained.

"So... What? Do you think that's her power?" She asked.

"Yes, either that or invincibility," he said.

"Well let's run some tests," she said.

"We need more resources first. We don't know what to expect," he said.

"Like what? We have all the equipment we need," she said.

"Like people that know how to deal with these people," he said.

He thinks they need protection from me. Ha!

I started breathing a little deeper to keep myself from laughing.

"When will we have the resources then?" She asked.

"In two days. I'll make the call and they better hurry," he said and I heard a door close.

I still heard the girls footsteps. I felt her near me. She was doing something with my IV.

"What makes you so special?" She said quietly. She sounded annoyed, but a little sad at the same time.

She ripped out my IV. I tried to keep my body relaxed. I felt the straps come off of me and the chains loosen.

"Yeah, we are ready for you," I heard her say and there was a beeping sound.

A few minutes later, I heard the door open and more footsteps. They came near me. Someone picked me up like a baby and took me away. I started to feel nauseous again.

I heard a metal clanging sound and was laid down on the floor. I heard the metal clanging sound again and the footsteps faded.

I slowly opened my eyes and I was in the area surrounded by the bars. I looked around me and no one was with me.

I sat in the chair for a while until I heard some more footsteps. I laid back down on the floor and heard what sounded like a stampede. There was so many footsteps and it was so loud.

I heard the metal clanging again.

"I guess they finished with her early. Hurry before she wakes up," I heard a man say.

There were many footsteps beside me that walked past. They came back and shut the door.

I opened my eyes after the footsteps had faded and looked around.

All the boys were back and they were asleep. I sat in the chair and waited for them to wake up.

Not too long after, I started to feel even more nauseous. I noticed the boys were starting to wake up.

"Hey, you're awake," Yeosang said.

"Yeah, I woke up a while ago," I said.

"You're always the last to come in and wake up," he said.

"Yeah," I said.

Once everyone was awake, we all played board games until it was time for us to go to bed. I was still nauseous all day, but I was seeming to just get used to it.

When I went to bed, I slept until the others came in.

"Y/N," Hongjoong said.

I rose up and told them what I overheard earlier.

"They really strap you down that much while you're asleep? Do they do that to us?" Jongho asked.

"Yeah and I guess they do it to you all, too. But it's why they strap us down that's important. They are afraid of us and what we could potentially do... or at least what I can," I told them.

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