~50~ Soon

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I told him what I needed him to do and he took me back to the caged area.

"This is where you stay?" He whispered.

"Yeah, for most of the day. When it gets late, there is a room I go to so I can sleep," I told him.

"Oh," he said quietly and opened the door to the caged area. He just stood there.

"Are you going to take me in there?" I asked him.

"No. I'm taking you out of here," he said, and shut the door back and turned around.

"No, you can't!" I exclaimed.

"Why not? Don't you want to leave? Don't you want to come with me?" He asked me.

"Yes, I want to leave and come with you, but there are others here. They won't be able to get out of here without me," I said.

"Then that's their problem. They will figure out a way to get out themselves," he said and started walking away with me in his arms.

"Yoongi, no! Stop!" I exclaimed but he just kept walking. "How would you feel if it was me in there and someone left me there to save their self?" I asked him.

He stopped walking and said something under his breath.

"Fine, I'm going to get you out of here soon though," he said and started taking me back to the caged area.

"Okay, but they are coming with when you do," I said.

"Okay," he said and opened the door again.

"Be sure to act normal, there are cameras," I told him and he nodded and took me in.

I closed my eyes to act as if I was asleep. He laid me on the floor and took his time putting me down. When he laid my head down, he let his hand linger on the back of my neck for a moment.

"I'll make sure to do what you need in the morning," he said.

"Hm," I quietly hummed.

I heard his footsteps go in the direction of the door and heard the metal clanging sound. I heard his footsteps fade.

I waited a few minutes, then acted as if I was waking up. I rose up and turned around. The guys were sitting back there in a circle. I got up and walked over there.

"Hey, what are you all doing?" I asked them.

"Just talking," Hongjoong said.

"About?" I wondered.

"Nothing," he said and nodded towards the camera.

"So, how about a game?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied.

We played different board games and when it was time to go to our beds, we went.

Once I got into my bed, I pulled the covers over my entire body and pulled out Yoongi's phone.



No, it's Y/N. Yoongi gave me his phone.

Y/N, how are you?!

I'm okay. Can I talk to Yoongi?

Yeah, we will get you out soon, Y/N. Goodnight!


Hey, it's Yoongi.


Do you need something?

Yeah, I miss you!

I miss you, too. What did you do with the rest of your day?

Just played board games with the others.

So they are actually good and nice? And you like them?

Yeah, they are good people. We actually talk for about 10 minutes every night to keep planning everything. There is a time when the cameras are rebooting at night, so they come in my room and we talk.

They all come in your room? Aren't you sleeping at that time anyways?

Yeah, and Mingi just usually wakes me up if I'm not already awake.

Mingi? He wakes you up?

Yeah, what's the problem?

Nothing, just wondering. You should get some sleep now. Goodnight.


I love you!

I love you, too!

I put the phone back in my pocket and went to sleep until the others came in.

"Y/N," Mingi said and tapped my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm up," I mumbled and rose up in bed.

"I think they've started doing something new, but I don't know what yet," Hongjoong said.

"Yeah, who was that guy?" Mingi asked.

"They've started doing tests on me. They know I have powers relating to electricity and are going to run more tests on me tomorrow," I told them.

"So that's why you were gone so long?" Wooyoung asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"What did they do to you?" Yunho asked.

"They electrocuted me, and I guess that they cut my arm open, but it healed. That's probably what they will test me on tomorrow, my healing abilities," I said. Some of the guys gasped.

"They electrocuted you?!" San exclaimed.

"And healing abilities? You have healing abilities?" Wooyoung asked.

"Yeah, but I'm fine. I just took all the electricity in, but it was too much so afterwards I released it. And I can heal quickly if I'm given enough energy from the electricity," I told them.

"Wait, when and where? How did you release it without anyone seeing you?" Seonghwa asked.

"Oh, Yoongi helped me," I said.

"Who is Yoongi? Was he that guy that brought you back?" Mingi asked quickly. He seemed a little frantic.

"Yeah, he is good though. I know him. He is going to help us get out of here," I told them.

"Wait, he knows about you and this whole situation?" Jongho asked.

"Yeah, it's a long story that we don't have time for, but he will help us get out of here soon," I assured them.

"We better go. It's almost time," Seonghwa said.

Everyone left and I went back to sleep until morning.

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