~3~ Introductions

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The bell rang and I continued with my normal school day until lunch. I got my tray and sat down at a table to eat. Like I always do, I just listened to music while I ate. Three boys came to sit in front of me and one came and sat to my right. It was Taehyung, Jungkook, and Seokjin in front of me, and Jimin sat beside me.

"Hey, you mind if we sit with you?" Jimin asked. It was more of a statement than a question.

"Go ahead," I gestured for them to sit even though they were already sitting. I sighed. I really needed to socialize more.

"Guys, this is Y/N. We have first period together," he introduced me to his brothers. "Y/N, these are my brothers, Tae, Jungkook, and Jin." Okay, so they call him Jin. It would have been so embarassing if I called him "Seokjin" since no one has directly told me his name.

"Nice to meet you all," I said. It's been a while since I've actually talked to people that I seemed to like and not get annoyed. There was something about these boys that drew me to them and them to me.

"So what's your next classes, Y/N?" Jin asked with his handsome smile.

"Gym and science. You?" I asked. I was genuinely curious about them.

"Jungkookie and I have gym next, too. And Tae has science with you." Jin said. He seemed thrilled for us to be in the same class. At least I know I'll have some entertainment in my classes now.

"Okay, well we better go, class will be starting in a few minutes." I chuckled. These boys were quite amusing.

We dumped our trays, and Jungkook and Jin followed me to the gym. Today we played dodgeball, my least favorite game. I always get hit and my idiot classmates always throw the balls way too hard. I'm usually one of the first to get out, but Jungkook and Jin stood in front of me the entire time. Jungkook was the one throwing the balls, while Jin knocked them out of the way. I didn't get hit once throughout the game. But some idiot started throwing basketballs before we were supposed to leave and almost knocked me down with one. Jin caught me, and seemed to immediately regret it, he took a step back once I was stable.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, are you? You kind of just seemed to move away from me as fast as you could." I was a little confused, though that ball hit me pretty hard so I may just be out of it.

"Yeah, you just shocked me when I caught you." He said. I'm glad I didn't do anything bad for him to not like me.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I just have some static," I chuckled and he did too. "It's time to go. I guess I'll see you all tomorrow."

"Alright, see you tomorrow," both Jin and Jungkook said. They really are nice.

I left the gym and went to my next class, science, the class I had with Tae. I got there before him and took my seat. When he came in, he immediately came and sat beside me.

"Hey, how was gym?" He was very nice, but about to hit a nerve.

"It was okay, better with your brothers there, but someone still managed to hit me with a basketball." I was still a little irritated.

"Okay, well I'll make sure to tell my brothers to watch for people throwing things in your direction." He chuckled.

"That would be nice," their chuckles and positivity were contagious. During class, we talked about genetics and why relatives looked alike. Jungkook, Jimin, Jin, and Tae didn't really seem to look like brothers. I wondered if they were adopted or foster kids or what their situation was.

"So I have a question: Are you and your brothers actually related?" I asked him after class.

He didn't answer me right away.

"Sorry if that's insensitive. You don't have to answer me," I felt bad now. I've always been too blunt.

"No, it's okay. We just don't really talk about it much," He was nice about it and didn't seem angry.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," I told him.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he said as he walked out of the classroom door.

That day was a Monday, 3 days had passed similarly. Three days later, on Thursday he had asked if I wanted to hang out with them after school. I happily agreed.

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