~7~ The Alley

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When we reached their house, they said bye and told me to be careful on my way back home.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I know my way back," I reassured them.

I left and took a different way back, a short cut. I passed between stores and walked along the woods to reach my house. There was construction on a road by the woods, so I walked down an alley nearby.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?!?!?!" a deep voiced boy yelled.

"What's your problem?! We were just playing around." another voice yelled, this one I recognized. It was the idiot from school that hit me in the head with the basketball in gym.

There was a crash, someone was thrown against a dumpster. I ran down the alley to tell the idiot to leave them alone. But when I got there, it wasn't the kid from school pushing someone up against the dumpster. It was another boy, a very pale boy. I could tell how pale he was even in the dark. He was holding the kid against the dumpster by his shoulders, staring him straight in the eyes. There was a tall boy standing by another one that was sitting on the ground. He had been beaten up. The tall one saw me.

"Hey, you should get out of here, it's clearly not safe," he scoffed and nodded towards the kid from school. He was being sarcastic.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's very dangerous," I said sarcastically. I started staring at the kid, I was still angry with him since he always ends up hitting me in gym.

"Now, you are going to go home and stay there. If I see you again, you will wish you would have stayed," the pale boy practically growled at him.

He was a bit scary, but I found him intriguing. He was different from other boys, angry and saying mean things, but still merciful and good at the same time. The boy began to run off, but I stepped in front of him and grabbed the front of his shirt.

"And you better not hit me anymore in gym either," it was a threat. I knew personal things about him, and I wouldn't regret telling his mother everything I knew. She was a strict woman who didn't tolerate disobedience. If anyone would make him stop his foolish act, it would be her. I let go of him and he ran home.

The boys were standing in front of me. They had confused looks on their faces. I noticed that the one on the ground had a black eye and his lip was bleeding.

"Are you okay? Did he do that to you?" I looked in the direction the kid ran off in.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just some cuts and bruises," he said while touching his face.

"He's fine, we'll go home and get him patched up," said the tall one, he seemed like a leader to them, telling people what to do and speaking for them.

They started to walk off, but I stopped them.

"Wait, who are you? I've never seen you all around, and this is a pretty small town," I asked.

"We just moved here recently. I'm RM," he said an nodded to the others to do so, too.

"Hobi," said the injured boy.

"Suga," said the pale one.

RM, Hobi, and Suga, are they in some sort of gang or something and don't want to tell me their real names?

"I'm Y/N. I guess I'll see you around then," I said as I looked by the dumpster where Suga threw that kid against it, and saw a wallet. "Oh, wait, I think this is your wallet, Suga," I said as I handed it to him. Our hands slightly touched and he flinched. I looked at him confused.

"You have static," that's all he said and they walked off. I tried to see in which direction, but it was too dark and the light pole was on the fritz.

I started walking home, and when I got there I went straight to bed. Today was a busy day, but it feels as if it had been cut short. I wanted to spend more time with Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae. And now I've met these three new boys, RM, Hobi, and Suga. All of them are something different, especially Suga. I never realized how curious I was until these new people came into my life.

I was too excited and needed to go to sleep, so I started to read one of my books. Apparently Tae had liked them, because he put sticky notes in the ones he liked as a bookmark that had "Tae" written on them. Most of the books had pictures in them.

I started to fall asleep, so I put my book away, and was asleep within a minute. I had woken up and looked at the clock on my nightstand, it was 4:18 in the morning. I had a dream, I know I did, but I couldn't seem to remember it, and I knew that I had had it many times before.

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