~13~ Neighbors

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I walked downstairs and went out of my back door.

"Do you need something?" I asked Hobi. He walked me towards the woods and we sat on an old tree that had fallen.

"Not really, but I was just letting you know that we didn't take the bus because we didn't want to walk," he seemed nervous.

"Okay? Then why did you all take the bus?" I asked him.

"Because of your friends. RM wanted to know who they were before we finished our job. Boss would be mad if he knew that someone else knew about our job," he told me.

"Okay, well it's fine. I'm not going to tell them and they won't find out. Wasn't the heist last night your last job?" I asked.

"Yeah, but we haven't finished it yet. We still have to give our boss the money to repay our debts," he said.

"What debts do you have to repay?" I hoped they weren't in big trouble.

"Well we had gotten into a bad situation when we were younger. I can't go into much detail, because I don't want to betray the others, but it caused some damage, and Boss helped us get out of it," he said. He was being very honest.

"Okay, well I hope you all finish your last job well, because I don't want you all to have to keep stealing from people, and nearly get thrown in jail," I said to him.

"Yeah me, too. I have a lot of hope about most things. I think that's why we've been able to keep doing our 'jobs', in hope of being able to finish them and be free," He said with a great smile on his face. He seemed so precious and in touch with his and other peoples' feelings. "But I'm actually not supposed to be here, so don't tell the others. But you should come by later, maybe in a few hours and hang out with us. It gets a little boring being around the same two people 24/7 and not having any new ideas on what to do."

"I will, I have some things to do around the house, so I'll come find you all in a few hours," I told him. I was glad Hobi and I could hang out, but I was more interested in knowing more about these boys.

I went back to my house and started on some chores. I vacuumed all the floors, did my laundry, washed the dishes, and took a shower since I felt gross. It was around 8:30 when I finished, so I went outside to go find the 'Cypher House' as Suga had called it. It was about a 10 minute walk and it was dark, so I kept tripping over everything. By the time I'd gotten there, there were leaves in my hair and dirt on my pants.  I fixed my hair and dusted myself off. I seemed a little nervous going in there for some reason.

I noticed that the stolen cars were gone. I wondered what they did with them.

I walked up to the front door and knocked. I knew the code for the lock, but it would be a little weird to just go in without any notice. Hobi answered the door.

"Hey," I whispered to him.

"Come on in," he said with his normal speaking voice. He led me in and I followed right behind him. "Guess who's here," he said to RM and Suga.

RM was reading a book, while Suga was playing basketball in the corner. They both looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" RM was blunt.

"I just came to say hi. I had nothing better to do and I figured you all didn't either," I told him.

"So, have you ate dinner?" Hobi asked with his smile of sunshine.

"No actually, I washed my dishes but didn't think of eating anything," I giggled. "Do you all eat dinner this late?" I asked.

"Sometimes. Do you want to join us? Suga was about to start dinner," Hobi said. Hmm? Suga cooks?

"I don't want to intrude anymore than I already have. I think I should just go," I told him.

"No! Come on, you have to stay. What were you planning on eating for dinner anyways? Cereal?" Hobi grabbed my arm. He wanted me to stay but I didn't know why.

"Okay," I looked at Suga and RM to see if they were angry. They seemed like they didn't care. "I'll stay." I said and Hobi looked at me relieved.

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