~25~ Home

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I gulped.

"I know," Hobi said, feeling my fear and worrying.

We got out of the car and walked to the front door. It still smelt like something was burning.

We walked through the front door and the furniture, or what was left of it, was still there. There was scorch marks everywhere and you could see the soot on the walls.

Hobi held my hand and took me up the steps. They creaked with every step we took, and I was afraid we were going to fall through them.

When we reached the top of the steps, we looked down the hallway and there was a door at the end of it. It was severely burnt, but you could tell there was stickers on the outside of the door. There was little stickers or music notes and basketballs. One of the sets of stickers spelled out "Yoongi".

We reached the door and RM opened it and walked in. Hobi and I followed. The first thing I saw was a beautiful, old wooden piano. There was scorch marks that seemed to rise up the side of it but stopped midway.

I looked to the right and there was a bed. Yoongi was laying in it.

"Alright, come on, man. We have to go," RM told him as he grabbed his arms and tried to pull him up.

"Nooooo, gooo awaaayy," Yoongi said, whining.

"Nope, let's go. We are not doing this, again," Hobi said trying to turn Yoongi over to face us and get out of his bed.

"Just leave me alooonne," Yoongi said and jerked his arm away from RM.

Hobi looked at RM and shook his head. RM dropped his hands and walked over to the door. Hobi looked at me and nodded his head towards Yoongi. I hadn't said a word, so Yoongi probably thought I wasn't even here.

"Yoongi," I said and he immediately turned around.

He looked at me and almost smiled.

"Go away," he said coldly, and turned back around.

Hobi looked at me again, and he and RM walked out the door and shut it behind them. I was still inside the room looking at Yoongi.

I walked around the bed to where he was facing. He didn't want to look at me, so he turned over on his back and covered his face with his arm.

"I said go away," he said coldly.

I got onto the bed and laid next to him. I was turned over to face him.

"I don't care," I told him and moved his arm off of his face.

"It's bad enough RM and Hobi have to come get me, but you?" he said.

I smelt his breath then. He had been drinking and was drunk. That's why his speech was slurred earlier.

"No, it's not bad. Because I'm here and I care. I care about you, Yoongi," I told him, and he turned over to look at me.

I put my hand on his cheek.

"Now let's go, let's go home," I told him.

"And where is home?" he asked me coldly, he was hurting.

"Wherever you want it to be," I told him.

I sat up and he did, too. I walked around the bed and he stood up. He was wobbling, and I helped him get up.

We walked out of the bedroom door, down the steps, and outside. Hobi and RM was in the black car, and the dark blue one was parked off o the side. I started to walk towards the dark blue one.

I took Yoongi to the passenger side.

"Get in," I told him, and he did.

I got in the driver's side, moved up the seat, and adjusted the mirrors.

"Can you even drive?" he asked me.

"Technically, yes. Legally, no," I told him, a little unsure if I could drive us home safe.

I backed the car up and turned it around to face the street.

"So, where is home?" I asked him, smiling.

"Home... home is... anywhere with you," he said and looked into my eyes.

He grabbed my right hand and held it on the consul.

"Then home it is," I said, and our hands began to tingle and make crackling sounds.

I pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. I drove in the direction of my house. I only knew I was going the right way since RM and Hobi were in front of us in the black car.

When we reached a main road, the speed limit was faster so everyone was driving faster. I was trying to speed up to the limit, but everyone was passing me and I lost track of Hobi and RM.

"Turn right up here, and we will be back," Yoongi said.

He hadn't said a word since we left. I thought he was sleeping.

"Thanks," I said, and he squeezed my hand a bit.

Our hands were still on the consul and I was proud of myself for being able to drive with one hand.

We drove back to the Cypher House and I parked the car back in the shed. I walked with him inside, he wasn't wobbly anymore since he sobered up a little while we were in the car.

We were holding hands when we walked in and I was afraid RM would be angry with me or something for it, so I tried to pull my hand from his.But he just held onto my hand tighter and I felt heat emit from it. His warm hands felt so nice.

He walked me over to his area and he sat on his bed. He motioned for me to, too. So I sat by him and Hobi and RM went outside.

We just sat there in silence for a while. I looked at his comforter and the things surrounding his bed. Most of them were black or dark colors. He seemed to not have many personal things except for his CD player and his CD's.

I wondered so much about him. I didn't know much except about parts of his 'job' and the mystery behind his childhood.

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