~11~ The Ride

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Suga drove the car so fast, I couldn't tell where we were. But I knew the police were after us. There were flashing lights and sirens coming from behind us. Crap! I'm going to go to jail, because I had to drag myself into this. I began to look through the windows to find a place we could bail out of the car.

"Turn in there!" I yelled and pointed towards a parking garage. Suga did as I said and we parked on the fourth story. "Come on, Suga and I will take this car, and you all take that black one," I told RM and Hobi.

"Who died and made you boss?" RM asked. He was the leader and didn't think anyone would dare tell him to do something.

"Well it's about to be all of you unless you listen to what I say!" I told him, and he and Hobi hopped in the black car, while Suga and I got in a dark blue one.

"So how do you plan on us driving this? There aren't any keys," he told me as if I was stupid.

"I watch a lot of random stuff on the internet," I told him as I hotwired the car. He didn't think someone like me would know how to do this. I wasn't sure I could either. I told RM and Hobi to take that one car, because I saw a set of keys in it. "Let's just hope this works," I mumbled as I heard the police sirens coming closer.

The engine started. Thank goodness.

Suga immediately started driving out of there quick, but when we reached the main road, he slowed down and behaved like every other law abiding citizen on the road. He started driving away from the city, and the sirens became faint.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"The Cypher House," he chuckled and looked at me mischievously.

"Is it in the middle of nowhere?" I asked him as we started driving on a gravel road.

"Not really. It's on the edge of your hometown, in the middle of those woods," he told me. I hadn't noticed until then how smooth his voice was, but at the same time it sounded like a purr, and how he seemed to have the slightest lisp. He caught me staring at him.

"What?" He asked coldly.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking of where we're at. Oh! Watch out!" I yelled, an animal ran in front of the car. Suga slammed his foot on the brakes and put his arm in front of me so I wouldn't hit the dashboard. I'd forgotten to put on my seat belt. The car stopped and he still had his arm pressing against me.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" he asked me with concern, surprisingly.

"Yeah, just don't hit any animals, okay?" I giggled and we looked into each other's eyes.

"Okay," he said serious again, and moved his arm back to hold the steering wheel, and started driving again.

"So, why exactly are you all doing this?" I asked him.

"It's our job," he said coldly, again, and that's all he said. I didn't want to ask him anything else. I was afraid he would get mad at me, although he already seemed to be.

The car stopped and we were in front of an abandoned warehouse. It seemed small, I wondered what it was used for. He got out of the car, and so did I. He pressed numbers on the keypad lock, the numbers were 724148. I heard the door unlock, he opened it and we walked in. There wasn't much except three beds, a kitchen area, a basketball goal in the corner, and a ping pong table. I guess this is where they live. RM and Hobi were in the kitchen area eating chicken and fried rice. It seemed like leftover takeout.

"So... You all have a nice place," I felt a little awkward.

"Thanks, you want some?" Hobi asked me, offering some of his food. He was so sweet.

"No, I'm good. I should probably get back to the city," I told them as I looked at the clock. It was 2:00am. I hoped the boys were still asleep. They can't know I'm missing.

"Yeah, what were you doing there anyways? And how did you know about the heist?" RM asked, I was about to be interrogated.

"Well, I was in the city and walking down the street and walked by an alley and overheard you all," I told him.

"Okay, but what were you doing in the city by yourself?" He asked.

"Just looking around," I hesitated and he knew I was lying.

"You weren't alone, were you?" Suga asked, he wanted to know, too.

"No," I mumbled.

"Who are they? Do they know about our plan? YOU'RE A RAT AREN'T YOU!?!?!?!" RM started yelling at me and coming closer.

"No! It was just my friends and I was the only one that overheard you. They don't even know that I'm gone. Or at least they won't know if I hurry and get back to them," I told him. I couldn't believe that he would get that angry.

"Where is it at?" RM demanded.

"A hotel on the north side of the city," I told him, hoping one of them would be willing to take me that far, or I'd be stuck walking all the way there in the middle of the night.

"Okay, Suga, take her," he said, and Suga sighed.

He started walking outside, so I followed him to the car. It was going to be an hour and a half drive if he was to drive the speed limit. And to my surprise, he actually did. He seemed like a chill guy when he wasn't doing his 'job', but he always seemed to be anti-social. I fell asleep after about 20 minutes, and he woke me up when we got there. It was 4:00am.

"Hey, uh, we're here if you want to go," He told me.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll see you around," I smiled at him and went into the hotel. I didn't know why I was nice to him, because he definitely wasn't nice to me.

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