~44~ Taken

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"Hey, I need something, your EpiPen," I told her and went into her room.

"How come?" She asked and smiled at me.

"Because I need it," I told her.

"How do you know I still have one?" She asked and bit her lip.

"Because you start choking anytime you go near a peanut," I said.

"And why would I give it to you then?" She walked closer to me. She ran her fingers down my cheek and neck, and down my arm to my hand.

"Quit it with your games. I stopped putting up with them years ago. Now where is it?" I was getting annoyed.

All my memories were coming back. I hated it. I hated her.

I rummaged through her drawers and found it in her underwear drawer.

"If you wanted to find those, you could have just asked," she said and bit her lip.

"Thanks," I mumbled, I took the EpiPen, and went out her door. I slammed it behind me.

I ran down the hall and the steps and saw Y/N on the floor. RM was hovering over her and pressing on her chest. He was giving her CPR.

"I've got it!" I yelled.

"Bring it and give it to her!" He said.

I ran to her and put in her thigh.

"Come on," RM said.

Y/N gasped. She was breathing again. She didn't wake up though, the drug was keeping her asleep.

"Okay, she's fine now. Let's get her in the van!" Boss yelled. He order some guys.

"You're taking her now?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what's the problem? You're job is done. Good work. You can go home now. Don't come back," he said and some guys came to take Y/N.

I reached for her, but RM grabbed my arm.

"Let her go. You'll get us caught," he demanded quietly.

"So what's the plan to get her back?" I asked him.

I saw a man pick up Y/N and walk out the door.

"Figure out where they are taking her and find her. We can't follow them. If we do, they could catch us. We have to be smart about it," he said.



I felt so sick. My chest hurt. It felt like I had bruises. I moved my head, but hit something. I already felt like I had a headache.

"What was that?" I heard a man's voice.

I looked around to see where I was. I was in the very back of a van.

"Is she awake?" Another man asked. His voice sounded rough, like he smokes.

"I don't know. Go check," the first one said.

I felt the car pull over and stop. I closed my eyes and put my head back down.

I heard someone open the door.

"She's still asleep," the one with the rough voice said.

"Well make sure she is alive. Boss told her that she could stop breathing again," the other man said.

Stop breathing? And again? What happened?

"Fine," the one with the rough voice said.

I felt something cold touch my neck. I flinched. It was his fingers. I could smell the tobacco off of him, and tried not to cough.

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