~21~ Thoughts

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I knew everyone was disappointed in what I had just told them, that the kids that had all of our answers were dead. And not just knowing that they died and we can't find anymore information, but because they died at all. And that it could happen to us.

I saw Hobi walk over to Y/N to comfort her. I'm not surprised by his new 'power', if you would even call it that. He knew how people were always feeling anyways. This doesn't change much.

"How about we eat some breakfast?" Jin asked, he seemed like the only semi mature one here.

At least he acted like an eomma. I've always been the one having to discipline people. Hobi even called me "appa" once when I told him he couldn't go out and go shopping at night.

"Yes, please," Y/N said and Jin went into the kitchen to cook.

It was complete silence until I heard a voice in my head. I could hardly tell what it was saying at first, but it started screaming.

... Why did I trust them? Why did I trust Yoongi so much? Why would I tell him about my rough past? Why would he care? Why did I take him to that place? It was my place and I brought someone else in. Someone I wasn't sure yet if I even liked. He seems so cold and merciless now. But why did he seem gentle yesterday? Why was I so comfortable with him? And why were we comfortable enough for us to cuddle in the woods while we slept?

Oh my gosh! What did I just hear?

I looked at Y/N, it was her voice. She got up and started running out the door. What just happened? Was that her thoughts? Yoongi?? Since when does she know his real name? Oh my gosh... YOONGI!?!?!?

They cuddled in the woods? When? Last night? I didn't notice he was missing. He was in the room when I woke up this morning. Did he sneak in? Why would he do that?

I snapped out of my thoughts, and realized everyone went outside. They must be looking for Y/N.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked no one in particular.

"We don't know. I saw her crying and she just ran outside. I hope she is okay. Do you think it's because of those kids?" Tae asked.

"Probably," I said, knowing that wasn't the only thing on her mind.

I heard her think that she had a rough past and that Suga knew about it. So I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the house.

"You know what's going on, don't you?" I whispered to him.

"No, I don't. Why would I?" He asked me. I could always tell if he was lying. And he was lying about something.

"Then you know where she went," it wasn't a question.

"Yeah," he said quietly and looked at the ground.

"Well don't go to her yet, or tell anyone where she is. She ran off because she wants to be alone, and seven strangers crowding her wasn't helping," I told him.

"How do you know?" He asked me.

"I just do," I said. "I think she is fine. She will come back when she is ready," I told the others, hoping they would just back off and let her be. She had a lot on her mind. And by a lot, I mean a lot. She gave me a headache.

I went inside and the others followed. They all stayed in the kitchen or the living room, while I went to the bathroom. I let the cold water run, and got a rag. I wet the rag with the cold water and put it on the back of my neck, so I wouldn't pass out. My head was starting to pound.

I hope she is okay, I tried to comfort her. She just felt so overwhelmed. Hobi's voice was clear, but I was the only one upstairs.

I feel so bad walking in on her now. Did I traumatize her? And why did Suga have to hit me? It's not like I meant to do that. Jimin thought.

I wish I had one of these powers everyone is so crazy about. Jungkook thought.

We should go looking for her. Tae thought.

I have to make her something good for breakfast for when she comes back. She will be hungry, and I want her to feel better. Jin thought.

I can't stand just sitting here, waiting. I have to go find her, but RM said not to. I know she needs her space, but what if she is hurt? Suga thought.

My head began throbbing everywhere. It felt like my head was about to explode. Everyone's thoughts were happening all at once.

I heard it thunder outside, which made my headache worse. Wait! It was about to storm. Y/N can't be out there while it's storming. She could get hurt. Hopefully she comes back before it gets bad.

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