Mama Said

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"Because honey, the moment you aged like me," mama said. "You're going to realize that not everything you wanted will be there at the top of your desk, not all friends could answer your calls, not every door opens for you, not all poems have sense, not all stories heard will be remembered. 

Not all hard works pay off. Not everyone belongs to someone. Not everyone stays for the night when you pay for their drinks. Not the person you said you'll marry someday is capable of taming your lunatic side and you'll ponder that this is how life works. 

Not everything goes smoothly like a clockwork. And it's okay. You will only feel blue for planting hatred in your heart for expecting something from someone and only to watch them break your glasses. 

You will only spend your late years thinking how they are after cutting ties, after ignoring them when they hurt you once. You will know that the people who hurt you will be exactly the same people who has the power to cure you, who could re-puzzle you. 

Sometimes you have to accept that we are made of different patterns, made of different perceptions, made of different taste, made of different angles. And that we should stop expecting the world to be perfect.

You see, when you grow old, when your time becomes limited, you will only regret the days you spent regretting. Accept what you lost."

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